Metropolia Information Systems will be under maintenance on the weekend April 25-26, 2015

which causes service outages in several Metropolia IT services as follows:


Saturday April 25, 2015, 8am-8pm

- Instruction and project web services including users, vhost and project servers

- Lync

- Short interrruptions with logging in workstations, Tuubi, Peppi and other systems


Sunday April 26, 2015, 8am-8pm

- Virtual desktops (desktop and securedesktop)

- Common web services including Tuubi, Peppi and Moodle

- Finance, personnel, building and study administration services

- Short interruptions in workstation services

- E-mail

The Tube out of Use Thu 16th from Noon to 15 min past

Maintenance break starting at noon and lasting at most for 15 minutes.

The problem with assignment uploads will be fixed.



Metropolia-Staff and Metropolia-Student wireless networks are no longer in use. The new networks are Metropolia-Secure and Eduroam.


Type your username in the form of to login. A username without domain will result in failure to connect.

Also, users of partner organisations must use the form of to login, not or other domain.

Printing services were down today between 12:30 - 1:00 pm

Due to an unexpected problem in the server, the printing service was down for almost 45 minutes. This caused login problems in the multifunction printers.

The server has been restarted and printing services are working again.

Submitting of exercises allowed, uploading personally identifiable grading information not

Metropolia tempered the terms of service of the cloud services. A new policy allows you to submit exercises and other material through cloud services but you may not upload personally identifiable grading information onto them.  More on the terms of service

Two-factor authentication improves data security

Data security of Google Apps for Education was improved. You may now deploy an optional two-factor authentication. More on the web site of Google

Metropolia cloud portal

Metropolia cloud portal provides you direct links to the cloud services, user guides and terms of service:

There will be short outages in IT services on Tuesday, March 17 from 4pm to 10pm due to security updates.

Short service outages in almost all IT services:

  • Web services
  • Email and AV services
  • Financial, HR, and Building Administration services Student Administration services Study program specific instruction and project systems

Updates begin at 9mp on the following services:

  • Moodle
  • View remote desktop service
  • Tuubi, Peppi, Pakki

Google and Microsoft education applications adopted in January

Microsoft Office 365 Education and Google Apps for Education academic application suites were introduced to students and staff in the end of January.

Students and staff can also download a free Office 365 ProPlus package and install it on their devices (Windows and Mac computers and mobile devices).

Before downloading and using the apps the user must accept our cloud service terms.

Cloud service terms
Microsoft Office 365 Education
Google Apps for Education
Office 365 ProPlus download instructions

IT Services activities advertised at IT Services Days

IT Services days were arranged in March 2014 on Tukholmankatu and Vanha maantie campuses. Presentations which were given in Finnish and English were could also be watched in Adobe Connect.

The aim was to advertise IT Services activities, the IT Services website, and to tell about current topics.

Helpdesk had open doors for anyone wanting take a tour, and quiz prizes included phones and USB sticks.

A video ad designed and created by media technology students premiered during IT Services days.

The video in Finnish and in English.

F-secure virus scanner free home usage ends

F-secure virus scanner can no longer be used for free at home but Metropolia staff and students can purchase the software in F-secure web store. The prize is low and technical support is included. Metropolia IT Services does not offer support for the product.

The program is available for Windows and Mac computers and mobile devices.

Programs already installed on home computers still continue to protect the computer.

How to purchase and download the program

Adobe Acrobat XI Pro installation on staff computers

The full version of Adobe Acrobat XI Pro can be installed on staff computers when needed. To get it, please make a service request at Adobe Acrobat Reader XI is installed on all Metropolia computers.

Funet Adobe Connect has replaced Metropolia's own Adobe Connect Pro service

Adobe Connect, maintained by Funet has replaced Metropolia's own service, Adobe Connect Pro. The new service runs on a cooperatively acquired Adobe Connect platform and license.

The advantage of using the Funet service is that we always have the latest and the most reliable version of Adobe Connect in use. The service is also browser-based and requires no installation.

Adobe Connect is available for both students and staff. Students can use Adobe Connect for study related communication without an instructor's supervision.

The service is available at Log in using your Metropolia user ID. Non-Metropolia users can login using Haka user IDs. Guest without user IDs can be accepted to a session.

Users create their own meeting rooms and administer them as needed.

Metropolia's own Adobe Connect Pro is available in the school network until June 20, 2015. Users are advised to transfer their recordings from the Recordings page to e.g. the U drive as local files using the Make Offline function.

Policy changes with regard to student computers

There will be policy changes on student computers in the spring. The changes have been tested on Vanha viertotie and will soon be put into effect in all locations.

The changes are related to the automatic lockup and logging off. The new policy is meant to protect the users from misuse of their data and to free reserved computers.

Changes on student computers

Safe data backups

It is advisable to save USB stick contents on Metropolia network drives or cloud because USB sticks malfunction often. Saving files from a broken USB stick can be difficult and expensive, and often impossible.

Metropolia network drives are regularly backed up and users need not do anything to have their files backed up.

In accordance with the backup principles copies of important files should be saved in more than just one location.

Files saved to cloud are available to different devices independently of location. However, it is advisable to read cloud services terms carefully because it is forbidden to store in cloud e.g. personal files, banking account information or patient information, business secrets or illegal material.

Cloud service terms


You cannot edit a file with the Save command if the file is on a network drive and it is opened using Tuubi. You must first save the file to the local computer and then use the Upload file/Replace file command.

Have your say in software purchases by answering the survey

IT Services and the Study Environment Team are surveying the use of digital tools at Metropolia during the spring 2015. Faculty members will receive a questionnaire on present and future software needs.

The aim is to support flexible instruction solutions including the use of own devices, students' remote working, and also to get ready for the new campus structure.

IT Services maintenance policy and timing

Information systems' maintenance is done on week days as well as on weekends which will inevitably cause some inconvenience to instruction. Maintenance which disrupts instruction the most is done if possible outside of teaching hours. However, not all maintenance can be done during weekends and vacations because of budget reasons.

A fixed maintenance window from 4pm to 10pm is reserved for instruction supporting services such as HR, pay-roll administration, financial administration, and student administration.

Other systems which are not critical for core functions may undergo maintenance also during office hours. Such include virtual desktops, instructional systems of particular study programs, services for particular projects, general web pages, wiki, and the service request system.

Maintenance work will always be announced beforehand in Tuubi and on the IT Services website.

IT Services maintenance policy

eHops service coming to Pakki - Base register testing continues

Student and instructor eservices are continually developed.

eHops services will be added to Pakki, i.e. Student's Desktop in the fall, following the tentative schedule. eHops is a digital personal study plan which enables flexible and individualized study planning, management, and monitoring.

The base register project involves designing and implementing a set of study supporting services which replace Winha or Winhapro, Winhawille, and Winhawiivi. The base register should be ready in the summer 2016.

The base register and Pakki project opening in January attracted a large number of guests from various universities and interest groups.

Opening on video

You can ask for a Pakki/Base Register presentation in your own unit or register as a Base Register tester by contacting Päivi Tenhunen-Marttala or Marjaana Hanki.

More information on the projects: Pakki and Base Register

The IT Services periodical bulletin and data management in Metropolia bulletins will be available in the future also in the IT Services website Bulletin Archive. To read the bulletins you must log in to the website.

When in need of help, please make a service request at, call our phone service 09 7424 6969, or send email to

Cisco client installation for Metropolia-secure

Cisco client software will be installed on all Windows-based Metropolia laptops, in order to connect to the new Metropolia-secure wireless network. The software will handle from now on all wireless networks on your laptop, meaning all private and public wireless networks such as home, free hotspots, phone tethering etc. Detailed information can be found in:

The software is already installed in some of Metropolia updated/new laptops.

Phishing email warning!

Phishing is a common experience for email users these days. Metropolia email users often receive requests for their network/email passwords, user IDs, and other private data. Some of these emails can be very convincing and appear to be from Metropolia ITS Staff.

However, you should know that ITS will never, ever request your password! Emails requesting your password or other personal data should simply be DELETED upon receipt.

Below is the newest message of phishing email received here at Metropolia and should be deleted upon receipt.


Nimeni on David Geletey. Olen koulutettu ja tällä hetkellä toimi ulkoisena tilintarkastajana toimiston Superintendent rahoituslaitosten (OSFI), Vancouver, Kanada, työskentelee osana suuri joukko, joka kattaa koko Kanadan alueella. Olen ottanut aikani ottaa sinuun yhteyttä minun henkilökohtainen pyrkimyksiä. OSFI ovat vastuussa siitä, että lepotilassa tilit, vakuutuksenottajien, tallettajien ja eläkejärjestelyjen jäsenet suojattava asiattomilta menetys investointejaan. Pyrimme turvaamaan meidän jäsenet taloudellinen menetys, joka voi esiintyä.
Aikana rutiini tarkastus tarkastus tilit jotka löydettiin aikana selvitystilaan Kanadan pankki, huomasin kiinteä talletus tilille, joka on tällä hetkellä lepotilassa. Tämä tili on ollut horroksessa viimeiset kaksikymmentä kolme (23) vuotta. Talletus kuuluu yhden pidin kokonaismäärä hieman yli $ 21,5 miljoonaa Yhdysvaltain dollaria. Pankkien sääntely / lainsäädäntö Kanadassa kysyntä että ilmoitan instituutin vastuullisesti lunastamatta hyödykkeen jälkeen lakisääteistä aikaa vuosia, jolloin lepotilassa tilit Tämäntyyppisiä löydetty. Edellä tosiseikkojen korostaa minun syy kirjoitan ja tehdä seuraavan ehdotuksen.

Omat tutkimukset sanoi tilin paljastaa, että sijoittaja kuoli 1991 - tarkka aika tili on viimeksi toiminut. Kanadan pankki, jossa tili oli alunperin auki on virallisesti lakkautettiin vuodesta 1993. Voin varmuudella todeta, että mainittu sijoittaja kuoli testamenttia eikä ensi omaiset hänen estate on löytynyt tai on esittänyt kaikki nämä vuodet. Olen ratkaistaan ??vakuuttunut siitä, että käytät minun sisäpiirin vipuvaikutus, kanssa voit varmistaa tilillä meille sen sijaan, että se siirtää niin lunastamatta rahasto kirstuihin Kanadan hallituksen. Tämä on erityisen mahdollista teillä vastaavia Kallio-islam ja sama kansalaisuus mainittuun sijoittaja, ja voi asettua hänen laajennettu suhteellinen. Juuri siksi olen sinuun yhteyttä.

Minulla on kaikki tarvittavat asiakirjat (Legal ja pankkitoiminta), joka helpottaa minun laskemisesta sinä eteenpäin hakijan / saajan varojen ja lopulta siirtämään rahat tilille nimeämä sinua. Tarvittaessa voimme helposti avata uuden tilin nimesi tähän tarkoitukseen. Jos hyväksyt yhteistyötä kanssani, sovimme kiistatta siitä riittävää korvausta, kun olet onnistuneesti saada perintö maksu.

Selitän tarkemmin mitä tämä liiketoimi koostuu ja mitä tarvittavat vaatimukset ovat, mutta vain, kun saan vahvistuksen halu osallistua. Voit olla varma, että olen täysin sitoutunut tilanteen. Ei tule riskiä lainkaan, jos hyväksyt yhteistyötä. Kuitenkin suurin yksityisyyttä on elintärkeää, jos aiomme menestyksekkäästi hyödyntää valtavaa hyötyä tämän kaupan. Takaan, että kauppa tehdään alle laillinen järjestely, että kaikki osapuolet ovat suojattuja tahansa lain rikkominen.

Vahvista halukkuutensa ja yhteistyön ehdotukseni, ota yhteyttä minuun kautta faksilla tai sähköpostitse ilmoitetaan seuraavat: (1) Koko nimi ja ammatti (2) Mobile, suora puhelinnumero (3) Suora faksinumero. (4) Yhteysviranomainen.
Nopeasta vastaus on erittäin arvostettu.
Ystävällisin terveisin,
David Geletey.
Suora Puh nro: + 1-610-5901444
Suora Faksi: + 1-610-9103049

If you sent your information in response to the message, change your password immediately at

Use of Outlook application for iOS and Android is forbidden

Use of Outlook application for iOS and Android is forbidden for Metropolia accounts on mobile devices. User account information is saved on their cloud services and it can allow others to access Metropolia emails.

Notification to change password has been sent to everyone who has been using the application so far. Use of the application with other email providers is not advised either.

Use of the application with Metropolia email will be temporary de-activated. If a user tries to contact Metropolia email servers with this application, his or her user name will be locked.

You can changed the password on a locked account with your Finnish bank identifiers in:

The reported security issue does not affect Metropolia email in MS Outlook for Windows/Mac OS, OWA or Apple iOS, Android, Windows Phone own email applications

Phishing email warning!

Phishing is a common experience for email users these days. Metropolia email users often receive requests for their network/email passwords, user IDs, and other private data. Some of these emails can be very convincing and appear to be from Metropolia ITS Staff.

However, you should know that ITS will never, ever request your password! Emails requesting your password or other personal data should simply be DELETED upon receipt.

Below is the newest message of phishing email received here at Metropolia and should be deleted upon receipt.

For your safety, we have temporarily disabled some features of your Pleaseclick hereto verify your email and regain full access to our services.

If the link above did not appear, please click on the link below to confirm your email address:(the link is removed) *This update ismandatoryto avoid you been shut out of your account.
Webmail Security Team

©2014 Webmail, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

If you sent your information in response to the message, change your password immediately at

There are short breaks at remote desktop system

and on February 24 beginning from 9 pm.


Tuubi will be out of service on Monday 23rd February at 3.15 p.m. due to maintenance.

The system will be offline about 30 minutes.

We're sorry for the inconvenience.

IT Services


Tuubi will be out of service on Friday 13th February at 3.30 p.m.  due to maintenance.
The system will be offline about 15 minutes.

The update includes:

  • the problem in filtering workspace listings is fixed
  • using characters like '#' and '&' in the Tube Documents files is now supported
  • arrival groups can be used allocating targets for announcements. A problem in adding arrival groups is fixed.
  • the problem when publishing documents within the contents management is fixed.

Remote-desktop ( / is being updated on 17.2. - 19.2.)

During this time the remote-desktop will be unavailable.