IT-Services starts to distribute the PaperCut client to all workstations during this week. Managed installation is done centrally by IT-Services.

One can keep track with ones balance with the client. Balance allows one to use printing and copying functions on the Toshiba multifunction printers.

More information about the client here

Best Regards,

IT-Services starts to distribute the PaperCut client to all workstations during this week. Managed installation is done centrally by IT-Services.

One can keep track with ones balance with the client. Balance allows one to use printing and copying functions on the Toshiba multifunction printers.

More information about the client here

Best Regards,

Microsoft has released a couple of new applications in their Office 365 Education package. Metropolia students and staff members may start to use them right away.   

The apps are:

Delve - a dashboard application 

Onenote Class Notebook - an e-learning service 

Sway - a new presentation software supporting interactive communication and richer visualization 

Video - a video platform which only allows video sharing inside Metropolia


More information

Portal of the cloud services Metropolia provides for students and staff members.

On the subpages, you may find information on deployment of the cloud services, links to the applications and their info pages, and guides, including videos. 

Helpdesk phone service is not available on August 18, 2015

Helpdesk phone service is not available on Tuesday August 18, 2015 due to the meeting.

You can make a service request on or send email to


Phishing is a common experience for email users these days. Metropolia email users often receive requests for their network/email passwords, user IDs, and other private data. Some of these emails can be very convincing and appear to be from Metropolia ITS Staff.

However, you should know that ITS will never, ever request your password! Emails requesting your password or other personal data should simply be DELETED upon receipt.
Below are newest messages of phishing emails received here at Metropolia and should be deleted upon receipt.

From: Metropolia [] Sent: 12. elokuuta 2015 10:42 To: Recipient Subject: Your webmail is restricted


Hyvä käyttäjä,

Huomasimme kirjautua Metropolian webmail-tili tuntematon laite 12 elokuu 2015.

Osana turvallisuusneuvoston sopimuksen olemme aseta tiliä "Rajoitus"

Vahvista tilisi salasana

Oppia ilmoituksia kuten tämä auttaa sinua suojaamaan tilisi, ohjekeskuksessa.

Kiitos, Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu

Älä vastaa tähän viestiin. Mail lähetetään tähän osoitteeseen ei voida vastata.

If you sent your information in response to the message, change your password immediately at
IT Services

Latest News and notices and other tips and guides at:

Metropolia Tietohallinto computer sale

Metropolia is organizing a computer sale for students and other people to recycle the
removed computers. We're selling used computers, monitors and projectors, and a lot of other
miscellaneous computer related items like speakers and printers.

The sales will take place in Leppävaara on 10.8. - 12.8. and Bulevardi on 7.9. We only accept
cash for payment. We can't guarantee change, so try to bring exact change.

Leppävaara - Vanha maantie 6, Espoo
Bulevardi -  Bulevardi 31, Helsinki

The sales info

Please note! There will not be enough video projectors for everyone. The sale is first come,
first served, so make sure you arrive early enough and que up if you wish to purchase one.

Please note! The computer packages do not inclue an operating system.

Due to maintenance Metropolia services there will be outages in almost all IT services on the weekend of 15.8 - 16.8.

Saturday August 15 from 8 am to 8 pm

  • Email and AV services
  • Wireless network
  • www-services, for example users, vhost, projects-servers
  • At Bulevardi signing in workstations is not functioning at this time.

Sunday Aaugust 16 from 8 am to 8 pm

  • www-services, for example Tube, Peppi,Moodle
  • Financial, HR, and Building Administration services Student Administration services
  • Remote Service(desktop ja securedesktop)
  • At Tukholmankatu signing in workstations is not functioning at this time.
Metropolia Network Drive Service Outages on June 30, 9:00am-6:00pm

Metropolia storage system will be under maintenance on Tuesday June 30, 2014 9:00am-6:00pm.

Due to the maintenance there will be two service outages, each one lasting about 10 minutes.
The drives will be reconnected automatically after the outage.
If network drives do not show on your computer in about 15 minutes after the outages begins,
try rebooting your computer before making a service request (

Due to the maintenance nearly all Metropolia systems will run on a lower capacity.
Because of this you will have to wait longer when using IT services.

Lync will be unavailable on Tue 9.6. 16-22 p.m.

Lync will be updated to version Skype for Business on Tue 9.6. 16-22 p.m.   During this time Lync will be unavailable.

There will be short outages in IT services:

  • Email and AV services
  • Financial, HR, and Building Administration services
  • Student Administration services
  • Study program specific instruction and project systems
Vmware View remote desktop service is down on June 1-3, 2015

Vmware View remote desktop service ( and is down due to maintenance on June 1-3, 2015.

Most important desktops will work on the afternoon of June 2, 2015

All desktops will work on the afternoon of June 3, 2015.

Helpdesk phone service is not available on May 26, 2015

Helpdesk phone service is not available on May 26, 2015 due to the meeting of IT Services.

When in need of help, please make a service request at or send email to

During the upgrade (4pm - 5pm) there might be some interruptions in the system. The upgrade includes various new feature and bug fixes reported by the users. Upgrade will also affect on Tuubi and course feedback system which will have short maintenance break between 4 pm and 5 pm.

Contact Information menu in Tube is again available.
Contact Information menu in Tube is not functioning at this time.

Contact Information menu in Tube isn´t functioning at this time.

The system provider is solving the problem now.

Helpdesk telephone service is closed Thur. 23.4. from 12 to 16

Helpdesk telephone service is closed Thur. 23.4. from 12 to 16 due to Helpdesk meeting.

As needed, submit a request of service at or  send e-mail to