Abbreviated dialling system of Metropolia (Privatel) is removed from use beginning from February 12, 2018.

In the future we can phone to normal telephone numbers.

Removing of abbreviated dialling system is caused of saving costs and minor use

Helpdesk Phone Service is not available on Tuesday January 23, 2018

Helpdesk Phone Service is not available on Tuesday January 23, 2018.

You can make a service request at or send email to

Office package for free, OMA, email, user account, schedule, printing...

Read a summary of essential IT tools for students

Metropolia OMA

Teacher's Desktop is a tool for implementation administration, guiding students and planning and reserving resources. 

On Student's desktop in OMA you can plan your studies and enroll in courses.

The OMA info page provides you links to more information and instructions:

Cloud services of Google and Microsoft are used in Metropolia. The browser-based applications may be used for example for

  • co-writing
  • publishing (WWW, blog, video)
  • information management (digital notebooks, surveys)
  • file sharing and project management

Helpdesk phone service is available from 1:00pm to 3:30pm on Tuesday January 9, 2018 due to the meeting.

There is some problem with home drive (Z disk). The problem is being resolved.


IT Services