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Plan and make teaching reservations

  1. First, you search and select a course unit (resources such as the teacher and the group are attached).
  2. Search for a room you want to book.
  3. Selectasuitabletimeslorforthereservationin the calendar.
  4. Check /filloutthe reservation details.
  5. Save the reservation.
  6. Publish the reservation, after which the reservation is visible to students.

The basic view below:

The basic view includes six entities, which are numbered in the picture above.

  1. Tabs
    • The tabs allow you to see the timetables from different user views. You may decide whose view you want to use for the planning of timetables. The tab pages work the same way, but the function numbered with 2 is a bit different on different tab pages.
    • My implementations tab is where you will see all your ongoing and future course units. In addition, you will find all your favourite lists from course units. You may create favourite lists with the Set resource groups and favourites function.
    • Groups implementations tab shows, in function 2, the group code at the top and ongoing and future course units below it in a drop-down menu. Use these to find the group’s course units.
    • Teachers implementations tab shows, in function 2, the teacher name at the top and his / her ongoing and future course units below the name in a drop-down menu. Use these to find the teacher’s course units.
    • Implementations of curriculatabshows, in function 2, the selection of curricula at the top drop-down menu and the ongoing and future course units of the chosen curriculum in the lower drop-down menu. Use these to find the implementations of curricula.
  2. Select implementation
    • With this function, you will select the course unit and, if necessary, give more search terms for it in function number 3.
    • The selection of the course unit depends on the tab, but it is basically the same: you may select a list to the top drop-down menu e.g. a previously saved list.
    • Now, the menu below shows the course units based on your selection. Select the course unit to which you want to add reservations.
    • You may hide the navigation bar with the arrows above the selections << and reveal it again by selecting the arrows >>.
  3. Resources to be reserved
    • When you have chosen a course unit with the drop-down menus above, the fields of this function will be updated with resources related to the course unit. The resources include the course unit, teachers (persons), groups and small groups.
    • In addition to course unit information, you may also select a room and/or a piece of equipment.
    • The calendar view will update every time you add a new resource to the selections. You will see the resources’ calendars ”stacked together”. 

    All available

    When you see an empty time slot, all the resources you have chosen are available at that time and you may reserve them.

    • If necessary, you may select a room by filling out a reservation form.
    • See at the end of these instructions for explanations of the arrows and magnifying glass next to the fields.

    Take off extras

    N.B! The cross next to the resource allows you to delete excess resources – e.g. when you are making a reservation for a course unit with more than one teacher, but you want to leave only one in the reservation. 

  4. View settings
    • Above the calendar view, you will se the name of the course unit (if you haven’t chosen a course unit, you will see Select implementation here). To see further information about the course unit, select the arrow in front of the course unit name. To hide the information, select the arrow again.
    • You may change the view between calendar view (most common), timing view and list view.
    • You may also select the month, week or day view. To browse the calendar, use the frontwards and backwards arrows. 
    • Calendar settings allows you to adjust the calendar intervals, starting time, ending time and whether the calendar shows weekends or not etc. 
       Kuva vielä suomeksi
    • You may also go directly to a certain date via Move to date –button.

  5. Aktiivinen ajanjakso
    • Tämän toiminnon avulla voit asettaa kalenterille oletuspäivän, jolloin kalenteri aukeaa tässä näkymässä aina kyseiselle viikolle vaikka vaihtelet toteutusta. Tämä toiminto on hyödyllinen etenkin suunnitellessa lukujärjestyksiä tulevaisuuteen alkaen päivämäärästä X - esimerkiksi kolmen kuukauden päästä alkavalle periodille.
      • Ajanjakson alkamisaikaa voit muuttaa klikkaamalla osoitin päivämäärään ja voit aukenevasta pienestä kalenterinäkymästä valita haluamasi ajan.

  6. Kalenteri
    1. Tässä kohdassa valitaan tietty päivä ja kellonaika jolloin varaus halutaan toteutuvan. Valinta tapahtuu klikkaamalla oikeasta kohdasta kalenteria. Tämän jälkeen avautuu varauslomake, jossa voit vielä tarkastaa ja muutella varauksen tietoja ennen varauksen tallentamista.

Katso myös Luo tai muokkaa varaus

Varausten julkaisu


MUISTA julkaista varaukset joko yksittäin varauslomakkeelta tai massamuutoksella


Resurssit joille teen varausta - aputoiminnot

  1. Suppilo-painikkeella kentän oikeassa laidassa voit käyttää tallentamiasi hakutuloksia suodattamaan hakutuloksia.
  2. Voit valita aiemmin tallentamasi listan tai hakutuloksen. Jos olet esimerkiksi tehnyt henkilölistan omasta tiimistäsi, voit valita kaikki tiimisi jäsenet kerralla varaukseen mukaan esimerkiksi tiimipalaveria varten.
  3. X-napilla voit tyhjentää ko. resurssin.
  4. Suurennuslasi
    • Tällä napilla aukeaa pop-up ikkuna jossa voit tehdä lisähakuja kyseiselle resurssille (tilalle).


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