We're sorry for the inconvenience.

News are in Finnish but links to (often) English language reference material are provided, 

OMA will be updated tuesday 31.1.2023 startig at 8 pm. Duration approx. 1h.

Clear the browser's cache (CTRL + Shift + Del) if the service outage message does not clear from the browser after the outage time window.

From the beginning of 2023, Metropolia students and staff have to accept the Metropolia Cloud Terms of Service at the same time as the Metropolia user ID is introduced. 

What do I need to do?

The changes will come into force on 1 January 2023. If you have accepted Metropolia's current cloud terms and conditions, you do not need to accept them again. 

Updated Metropolia Cloud Terms of Service:

Google and Microsoft cloud application package information pages:

Scan to the cloud and recognize the text

We've introduced a new feature for Canon MFPs that allows you to save your scanned documents directly to Microsoft OneDrive or Google Drive. The file can be saved in PDF format, in which the scan is not only saved as an image but as text. That's why you can, for example, use the copy and paste functions of your computer to paste text into another document.

Read the instructions on the information management website.


  • Our service is always available in Finnish and English.
  • There may be other languages in our selection, depending on the language skills of our staff. We will inform you about the options separately.
  • 12/19/2022 - 2/5/2023 request service in Arabic (North Africa).

Helpdesk service and Christmas

  • Helpdesk's telephone service is closed from 23 December 2022 to 1 January 2023.
  • You can send service requests to the helpdesk via a browser interface or by e-mail at any time, regardless of the telephone service's opening hours.
  • During the Christmas holidays, we have less staff at work, but we also receive fewer contacts then. We process service requests as usual, but in some individual cases the service may be slightly delayed due to holidays.

We thank all people in Metropolia and our partners (Not forgetting Helsinki Conservatory. PopJazz Conservatory and lobby services!) for the pleasant and nuanced cooperation of the past year, as well as for all the encouraging and useful constructive feedback we have received. We wish you a relaxing and peaceful Christmas and a successful New Year 2023!

Kuva joulupukista skannaamassa pilveen
This artwork was "painted" by the DALL-E-2 artificial intelligence, which was given the command: "There is two separate locations in the picture: The first location is down on the floor, where Santa Claus is standing next to a copy-machine and throwing his letters high to up. The second location is up in the sky, where there's a separate typewriter floating on a cloud. Oil painting.". In addition, the image had to be edited afterwards by giving the artificial intelligence a few more commands.

Kind regards,

Phone Service: +358 9 7424 6777
Service requests https://hd.metropolia.fi / helpdesk@metropolia.fi
Information and instructions: https://itservices.metropolia.fi

From the beginning of 2023, Metropolia students and staff will have to accept the Metropolia Cloud Terms of Service at the same time as the new user ID is introduced. 

A more straightforward process

Until now, all Metropolia users have had to separately accept the Cloud Terms of Service to access Google Workspace for Education and Microsoft 365 cloud services with their Metropolia username. In addition to activating the username, this has meant an extra step for everyone, which has sometimes made it difficult to implement cloud services. 

With the help of Metropolia's Legal and Archiving Services, we have now made the process easier for users: from 1 January, the Cloud Terms of Service must be approved at the same time as the new username is activated. This means that you can use both the cloud services and Metropolia's other services at the same time and no longer have to read a separate instruction to access the cloud services.

Cloud computing (1) has become such an integral and useful part of everyday life worldwide, including studying and working at Metropolia, that such a change was justified. For example, attending lectures in Teams and collaborative group work requires the use of cloud computing.

What will change in the future?

In the future, new students and employees will be required to accept the cloud terms and conditions and the associated terms of use in order to access the Metropolia domain. Other existing domain names will be migrated to the new terms and conditions by spring 2023 at the latest. More information on this will be available at a later date.

What do I need to do?

The changes will come into force on 1 January 2023. If you have accepted Metropolia's current cloud terms and conditions, you do not need to accept them again. 

The updated Cloud Terms of Service will be published in January. This will be announced later on OMA and on the IT Services website. Once published, we recommend that all users read the new terms and conditions carefully.

Google and Microsoft cloud application package information pages:


(1)  Cloud services in this context mean an application, system or storage location outside the Metropolia network, such as Zoom, Sharepoint, Teams, OneDrive, Google Meet and Google Drive.

News are in Finnish but links to (often) English language reference material are provided, 

OMA desktops opened

OMA desktops are open after the version update. 

Short breaks of service may still take place. 

Requeste service request system will not be available during the update on Wednesday 9 November 2022 from 2 p. m. to 3 p. m.

As the result:

  • Service requests cannot be made at https://hd.metropolia.fi
    • Digital pedagogical support
    • Halli project management
    • Data protection or data breach notification (GDPR)
    • Safety notice
    • Helpdesk
    • IT procurement
    • Premises service
    • Library service
  • If you send an e-mail to the common e-mail addresses of the units using Requeste during the service break, your message will not arrive until the next day after the update has finished:
  • Helpdesk's telephone service will not put down any information about your case if you'll call during the service break. Please call Helpdesk's phone service during the service breat only in urgent cases.

Kind regards,

Phone Service: +358 9 7424 6777
Service requests https://hd.metropolia.fi / helpdesk@metropolia.fi
Information and instructions: https://itservices.metropolia.fi

The backend system of Metropolia's internal online service OMA will be updated in November

The version update will cause several downtimes on the different OMA desktops during the update weeks.

You should be prepared for outages in the weeks starting November 14. and 21. More information will be available towards the end of October.

The update will bring new and improved features to OMA, including:

  • accessibility of the student desktop
  • management of separate study modules and OPSs
  • report service
  • implementation planning
  • HOPS guidance
  • processing of eAHOT scores
  • resource planning and booking tool views
  • readiness for future implementation of the cross-study service

From the perspective of students and teachers, the old functionalities remain almost unchanged. The functionality of the general OMA desktop will remain unchanged even though the underlying system changes.

All changes will be announced in more detail on OMA and on the IT Services' website at a later stage.

The News are in Finnish but links to (often) English language reference material are provided.

Staff and Metropolia's computers

Users of Adobe's computer programs have received notices that the license has expired, but the old license still works. The announcements come as the licensing agreement between Metropolia and Adobe is expiring and being renewed. Notifications regarding licenses will disappear within a week, when the new licenses come into use. Until then, Adobe's programs will work under their old license.

Students' own computers

Students who have purchased an Adobe student license for their own computer have received email messages from the Adobe reseller (IlonaIT) stating: "Your Adobe CC Student license subscription expires on August 31, 2022, Order a new license now". If you have used an Adobe Creative Cloud student license on your own computer before, you can renew the license directly from the IlonaIT online store for the next three years (the new license expires on August 31, 2025).

Please note that the Adobe student license can no longer be used after the end of the studies. If you graduate within 12 months, a license that can be purchased directly from Adobe's own website may be a cheaper option for you than this license offered to Metropolia students. When making your choice, you should also note that when purchased through Metropolia, the product is Creative Cloud Pro, which also includes unlimited use of the Stock library.

Adobe Creative Cloud software is still in use on several computers in Metropolia's computer classes. All students have the opportunity to use them for free, so there is no need to buy a student license for them.

Want to use Adobe Creative Cloud? Read the instructions here:

Kind regards,

Telephone Service: 09 7424 6777
Service requests https://hd.metropolia.fi / helpdesk@metropolia.fi
Information and instructions: https://itservices.metropolia.fi


  • Our service is always available in Finnish and English.
  • There may be other languages in our selection, depending on the language skills of our staff. We will inform you about the options separately.
  • From 20th Jun to 31st Sep 2022, ask for service in German (only the Germany's version of German).
  • From 18th Aug to 23 Oct 2022, ask for service in Arabic.
  • From 18th Aug to 2nd Oct, ask for service in Persian (Iran).