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2. In the example above, we have used ”search by name” and entered ”matematiikka” (Math in Finnish) as the search ”mathematics” as search word. The result list shows only 20 100 results on one page so use “1-20” ”21-40” buttons to browse more results..

Filtering: You can use the facets on top of search results in order to filter results

Select implementations to the study-basket by clicking the '+' icon next to the implementation name. The other icon means that this implementation has at least one reservation in the reservation system. If this list icon  is not visible then the implementation has no reservations and thus no calendar markings for the schedule. Select as many implementation as you like to the study-basket. You can select all visible results at once by clicking the uppermost one. You can remove implementations from the study-basket by clicking “X” next to the corresponding implementation in the basket

In the example above we have searched implementations by group ID “YY08”. As a result 1 implementation is found and all of those are visible. In addition it automatically looks for other reservations for this group that are not connected to any study-implementation but are connected to this group ID (such as exam, seminar etc.). You can also select there reservations to the study basket.
Note. If you use a partial/incomplete search word like ”at0” the machine lists every instance that starts with at0, for example AT06 and AT07, AT08 etc. You should use as exact a search word as possible like “AT06”. If only one result is found in Group search, the system will automatically select it and goes to Schedule view.
