Pre-release: Due to the transfer of the Leppävaara data center and network to Myllypuro, ALL Metropolia's network and IT services will be closed on Friday, October 11, 2019 at 16.00. It is estimated that the move will be completed by 15.10. The break also applies to HAKA login and Eduroam service. According to estimates, most services will be available during the weekend, but unexpected outages may occur at that time.

Communication on this issue will be intensified in the coming weeks. During the removal, the situation will be announced later at Tilannehuone-web site

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this removal


Tuomas Orama
Development manager

Over the weekend September 14-15 2019, Metropolia IT Services prepares to transfer the Leppävaara server room. Due to the preparations, there will be service outages as listed below. Services will also be slower than usual over the weekend.

On Friday, September 6, 2019 from 4pm to 10pm, there will be interruptions due to software updates for communication devices.
A service outage may be shorter than specified.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.