Due to software update, there's a break of service on E-lomake on December 30th, 2015 at 1400-1500.

We're sorry for the inconvenience. 

Metropolia IT Services

There are short breaks on wireless network from 28 to 30 December, 2015 due to maintenance work.

There will be a break of service on the wiki platform of Metropolia today December 18th at 16:30-16.35.

We're sorry for the inconvenience.


Printing services were down yesterday between 14:30 - 16:30 pm

The problem is now solved and printing services are working again.

If you have lost some printouts, please make a request: https://hd.metropolia.fi

Remote-desktop (Desktop.metropolia.fi /securedesktop.metropolia.fi) is being updated 7.1.-8.1.2016.

During this time the remote-desktop will be unavailable.

Microsoft are reporting Europe-wide problems with Office 365

Microsoft are reporting Europe-wide problems with Office 365.

It is currently not possible to access Office 365 and a result of this is that the webmail as used by students is unavailable. 

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