Vmware View remote desktop service is down on June 1-3, 2015

Vmware View remote desktop service (desktop.metropolia.fi and securedesktop.metropolia.fi) is down due to maintenance on June 1-3, 2015.

Most important desktops will work on the afternoon of June 2, 2015

All desktops will work on the afternoon of June 3, 2015.

Helpdesk phone service is not available on May 26, 2015

Helpdesk phone service is not available on May 26, 2015 due to the meeting of IT Services.

When in need of help, please make a service request at http://hd.metropolia.fi or send email to helpdesk@metropolia.fi.

During the upgrade (4pm - 5pm) there might be some interruptions in the system. The upgrade includes various new feature and bug fixes reported by the users. Upgrade will also affect on Tuubi and course feedback system which will have short maintenance break between 4 pm and 5 pm.

Contact Information menu in Tube is again available.
Contact Information menu in Tube is not functioning at this time.

Contact Information menu in Tube isnĀ“t functioning at this time.

The system provider is solving the problem now.