Phishing email warning!

Phishing is a common experience for email users these days. Metropolia email users often receive requests for their network/email passwords, user IDs, and other private data. Some of these emails can be very convincing and appear to be from Metropolia ITS Staff.

However, you should know that ITS will never, ever request your password! Emails requesting your password or other personal data should simply be DELETED upon receipt.

Below is the newest message of phishing email received here at Metropolia and should be deleted upon receipt.

Hyvä käyttäjä;
Salasana vanhenee kolmessa päivässä, klikkaa tästä(linkki poistettu)> nyt vahvistaa sähköpostiosoitteesi.

If you sent your information in response to the message, change your password immediately at

Defective chargers for iPhone 3GS, 4 and 4S models

Apple announced that the company's European 5W power supply may overheat and cause dangerous situations. The power supply was included with all iPhone 3GS, 4 and 4S models, which have been delivered between October 2009 and September 2012

Apple will exchange any defective power supply with a new one, free of charge. The company urges customers to replace defective power supplies with new ones as soon as possible.

Read more

Requeste and Moodle service break on Tuesday 17.6.

Due to updating Requeste (http//  and Moodle ( will be unavailable 17.6.

  • Requeste  16-18 p.m.
  • Moodle     18-19 p.m.
E-lomake will be unavailable on Wed 11.6. 9-12 a.m.

E-lomake ( ) will be updated on Wed 11.6. 9-12 a.m.  During this time E-lomake will be  unavailable.

Updated version has some new improvements for example:

  • uploading images from own computer without using URL
  • files can be uploaded from own computer to E-lomake
A short outage at Tuubi on Monday on 2nd June, 2014 at 12:00 am

There is a short outage at Tuubi on Monday on 2nd June, 2014 at 12:00 am