F-Secure for home use is now available for download

F-Secure for home use is now available for download at https://metrodvd.edu.metropolia.fi

Use of software is allowed for eligible students, faculty and staff.

  • FSCS-9.32.rtm-exported.msi is the last f-secure version that works as stand-alone, meaning it does not need to contact a central activation server. Great for older machines and those that are not online all the time,
  • FSCS-11.00-332 metropolia.msi latest version, works with Windows 8 and older OS's. Connects to virus-pub.metropolia.fi to activate itself, no other policies are applied.

Pakki, the student's desktop, makes important student services easily accessible and easy to use. The services adapt to use on mobile devices as well.

With the help of services availabe in Pakki, students can follow their own study progress in real time, print out their transcripts, and plan their studies. Students can set up contracts with their instructors/advisors, give student feedback, and make an AHOT request.

http://pakki.metropolia.fi (or in Tube from Pakki-tab)

The following services are now available in Pakki:
* trascript
* goal monitoring
* planned studies
* room reservation
* contract bank
* course feedback
* links via Single sign-on to the schedule machine and AHOT

More services are implemented on the basis of experience and user comments.

New services will be launched in Pakki during the academic year 2013-2014 and they will be announced in Tube.

Phishing is a common experience for email users these days. Metropolia email users often receive requests for their network/email passwords, user IDs, and other private data. Some of these emails can be very convincing and appear to be from Metropolia ITS Staff.

However, you should know that ITS will never, ever request your password! Emails requesting your password or other personal data should simply be DELETED upon receipt.

Below are newest messages of phishing emails received here at Metropolia and should be deleted upon receipt.

From: WEBMASTER [address removed]
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2013 2:11 PM
To: vastaanottaja
Subject: webmaster Varoitus

webmaster Varoitus

Deaktivointi sähköpostitilin,
Huomioithan, että me teimme äskettäin joitakin päivitys meidän
tietokantaan. aikana
päivittää oli epätavallinen reagoi koodi sähköpostiosoitteesi
pyydettäisi lakkauttamiseen. Tarkista deaktivoida tai pitää
huomioon active.In varmistamiseksi vahvistaa sähköpostiosoitteesi
identiteetti, sinun on
seuraavat tiedot;

Etunimi: ___________
Sukunimi: ____________
Sähköposti Käyttäjätunnus: ___________
Salasana: ____________
Tili Aktivoinnin: ___________ (täsmennettävä kyllä ??pois. Ei
pitää aktiivinen)
Syy Deactivation_____________ (jos kyllä??)

Varoitus! epäonnistumiseen tarkistaa sähköpostitilin 48hrs on
ilmoituksen saamisesta, tilisi automaattisesti
pois päältä.

Kiitos, että käytät meidän Email!
Varoitus Code: ASPH8B02AXV

Ystävällisin terveisin,
Team Management

If you sent your information in response to the message, change your password immediately at https://amme.metropolia.fi

IT Services

Due to a minor fixing of the system, there will be a short break of service on the Metropolia wiki platform (https://wiki.metropolia.fi) on September 19th 2013 at 15:00-15:00.

Sorry for the inconvenience.



Schedule machine  (lukkarit.metropolia.fi)will be updated today 16-16.15  p.m.

During this time the Schedule machine will be unavailable.

Updated version has some new improvements:

  • List-view now shows abbreviations of weekdays and tutorial group information.
  • Calendar entry now shows addresses of the campuses where the classromes are situated.
  • Searches have been slightly improved.
Helpdesk telephone service is closed on 17th September

Helpdesk telephone service is closed on 17th 
September due to Helpdesk meeting.

As needed, submit a request of service at http://hd.metropolia.fi or  send e-mail to helpdesk@metropolia.fi.

Microsoft offers the opportunity for Metropolia students and staff to buy a Surface RT tablet at a special price starting from 190.96€

Surface RT tablets only support software downloaded from the Microsoft Marketplace. Normal software for MS Windows computers will not work with RT.

The purchase order is a binding contract and not refundable

Metropolia is not responsible for the purchased devices' and their accessories' material/manufacturing faults, warranty claims, other additional costs such as VAT, delivery charges, transportation or related transport insurance or any issues that may appear while the warranty is still valid.

The order form will remain open until 09:00 23/09/2013 and any orders after that will not be accepted.

Buyers will be contacted after the arrival of the tablets.

Order Form: https://maksut.metropolia.fi/surface

There will be a data communications outage on Friday, September 6, 2013 between 14pm and 15pm due to maintenance work on a fiber optics cable.

The outage will last 1 to15 minutes.

The outage will affect Hämeentie 135 and Hämeentie 153.


IT Services

Top-up cards for adding value to your account are sold also in Unicafe at Hämeentie 161.
You can redeem top-up cards at https://papercut.metropolia.fi

Tube will be unavailable 5.9. 18.45 - 19.00 p.m.

Tube will be unavailable 5.9. 18.45 - 19.00 p.m.

Repair subject: Workspace visibility to teachers, some of the implementations workspaces will not open.

Due to a minor update to the system, there will be a short break of service on the Metropolia wiki platform (https://wiki.metropolia.fi) on September 4th 2013 at 16:00-16.15.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Metropolia IT Services

Olli Nurmi, student of Electrical Engineering degree program, proposed the name and won the competition

The winner will be contacted by email.

Congratulations to the winner!

IT Services