There are short outages lasting 5 minutes on home directories and common network drives on Wednesday

4th April 2012 from 9 am to 2 pm.

F-secure security updates on staff computers

F-Secure security updates begin on March 27, 2012 on staff computers.

The updates force a restart within two hours after the installation has finished.

If the installation has begun before you have logged on to the computer, you will

not see a restart message although the computer will restart.

Accordingly, you should save all your work when leaving the computer - especially

if the F-Secure icon is not visible in the Notification Area:

If the installation begins after you have logged on to the computer, it will ask you

to restart which you can do right away.

After the computer has restarted, it is in network quarantine untill the virus

definitions have been updated. During of the quarantine network drives are not

connected and the internet and the e-mail cannot be accessed.

The network quarantine lasts for about 5 to 15 minutes. If network drives

continue to be disconnected after this but the internet works, you should restart

the computer.

In case of problems you can contact Helpdesk phone service at 020 783 6969

or make a service request at or send e-mail to

Moodle is not available on Sunday 18th March from 9 to 10 am

Due to update Moodle is not available on Sunday 18th March 2012 from 9 to 10 am.

Schedule machine (Lukkarikone) will be updated and it is not available.

today 14th March 2012 from 4:00 to 4:30 pm.

The VMware View system will be updated to version 5.0. This is going to cause interruptions in the service throughout the weekend March 17-18, 2012.

The VMware View Client on Metropolia workstations will be automatically updated. Laptops will be automatically updated after the weeked when connected to Metropolia fixed wired network.

The new VMware client can be downloaded after the weekend from the following addresses: (outside the school network) (within the school network)

Notice! If you need the VMware View system in instruction on Saturday, you can let Helpdesk know by making a service request at or by sending e-mail to We will do our best to ensure uninterrupted service during instruction.

VMware View -järjestelmässä käyttökatkoksia 17-18.03.2012

Redundant Toshiba print queues will be removed

Metropolia workstations still have redundant Toshiba multifunction printer print queues

in addition to Toshiba Virtual Queue on PAPERCUT.

All redundant print queues will be removed during March. After this only

Toshiba Virtual Queue on PAPERCUT will be used for printing to multifunction printers.

More information about Toshiba print queues