Due to updating Lukkarikone is not available on Tuesday 28th February from 4 to 5 pm.

There are short outages on all Metropolia IT-services during weekend from 3rd to 4th March.

We will avoid outages on Saturday during lessons to 4 pm.

Due to problems with web browser ConnectPro https://connect.metropolia.fi  will be updated and it will be unavailable on Thu 16.2. 16--18 p.m.

There is an error in visiblity of the evaluation criteria stored in Opseditor. Error reported 14.2. about 10.30 am.

The error should be investigated and it will be corrected without delay.

For more information

Osmo Troberg

020 783 5110

Phishing is a common experience for email users these days. Metropolia email users often receive requests for their network/email passwords, user IDs, and other private data. Some of these emails can be very convincing and appear to be from Metropolia ITS Staff.

However, you should know that ITS will never, ever request your password! Emails requesting your password or other personal data should simply be DELETED upon receipt.

If you sent your information in response to the message, change your password immediately at https://amme.metropolia.fi

Below are newest messages of phishing emails received here at Metropolia and should be deleted upon receipt.

From: System ITS Helpdesk helpdesk@metropolia.fi
Sent: 14. helmikuuta 2012 14:18
Subject: ATTENTION: Metropolia University user IDs

ATTENTION: Metropolia University user IDs,

We are currently conducting maintenance exercise to Increase the size of your Metropolia Mailbox Storage Quota/Limit which is 50GB to 120GB; you are currently using 47.9GB which may not allow message send to be delivered or receive new messages until your mailbox is upgraded.

To upgrade your mailbox account to 120GB, you are to click the following link to Increase your Mailbox Storage Quota/Limit automatically on host database, simply click on the upgrading link: link removed

If the upgrading link temporarily doesn't open on your allocation Server IP Address, you are advice to provide the following below details to our Information Techonology Support Helpdesk E-Mail: address removed

Upgrade Verification Form;
Full Names: ________________
Username: __________________
Password: __________________
Re-confirm Password: _______
Email: _____________________

NOTE: that the above requested information, will enable us manually increase your Mailbox size Storage Quota/Limit on our Parental Control Panel through your Host Database.

Thanks for your Cooperation,
System ITS Helpdesk

Authorised by: Maintained Director.
Updated: 14 February 2012. ABN 12 070 604 019
©2010 Metropolia

VmWare's products are now available at mcp.metropolia.fi

Staff and students now have a chance to order vmware’s products for study purposes from mcp.metropolia.fi

The Schedule Machine (lukkarit.metropolia.fi) will be updated on Thu 16.2.16-18 p.m.  During this time Schedule machine and room reservation system ( tvj.metropolia.fi) services will be periodically unavailable.

New layout will be as Metropolia's user interface.

Updated version has several new improvements:

In search page

  • You can now change colors with all items in study basket
  • You can quickly see all reservations for a study implementation directly from search view (by clicking     the calendar icon next to the implementation name)

Schedule page

  • Possibility to choose calendar-view or list-view
  • In calendar view if you click on a reservation it will show both reservation info and study     implementation info if implementation is connected to reservation
  • In list-view you can save list as excel-file or copy list to clipboard
  • In list-view you can sort reservations/markings or use search word to limit list
  • In list-view also hiding reservations/markings is possible

Settings page

  • Possibility to choose automatic schedule which will try to generate a schedule based on user's groups,     implementations and reservation connections in room reservation system.
  • Exporting a saved schedule into your Metropolia email calendar
  • Exporting a saved schedule into .ics file
  • Options to add certain reservation types to study basket based on connections in room reservation     system (limited version of automatic schedule).
  • Copy direct URL-to a saved schedule (the star-icon in front of a saved schedule)
Temporary solution and repair schelude for the Agricola Auditorium

The sound system of Agricola´s auditorium is out of order, so sound from microphones, computer or other sources won't come from the speakers.
There is now a temporary solution, instructions has been fixed on the table. The source of picture can be changed by selector in closet (instructions on table).
The auditorium equipment is scheduled for a total overhaul and replacement in a few months time. A planned quick repair during holidays was cancelled due to cost issues and the non-critical nature of the problem.

We are sorry for the inconvinience.
Details of auditorium schedule will be notified later.
Queries and feedbacks: http:// hd.metropolia.fi

 E-lomake system will be updated on Friday 17th February starting from 8.00 a.m.

http://elomake.metropolia.fi will be offline about four hours.

Adobe Reader will be updated on Friday 10.2. starting from 5 p.m

The update enhances security and the whole staff gets the newest version of Adobe Reader and its facilities on use.
The further information on the newest version: http://www.adobe.com/fi/products/reader.html.
If your Adobe Reader is open during the updating, it will force close. After that the new version will be installed  on your computer and  moments later the newest Adobe Reader is available.
If you have problems opening PDF-files after updating, please contact Helpdesk: http://hd.metropolia.fi

Microsoft Lync 2010 application has been installed on Metropolia staff-computers. 

With Lync you can send instant messages to your Metropolia colleagues and arrange audio-video meetings with Metropolia colleagues. With Lync you can also arrange audio-video conferences with people outside of Metropolia (the other participants will need Lync Attendee application which is free).
Lync is installed automatically on your Metropolia staff computer. At the beginning  as sign-in name is your Metropolia email address.

Information and how to use Lync: http://wiki.metropolia.fi/display/tietohallinto/MS+Lync+2010

Lync training will be arranged and the schedule can be found in Tuubi training calender towards the end of the week. For more information, contact Pekka Schering.

The personnel department can arrange separate training session for groups on demand.

To use Lync you need also headset with microphone and optionally a webcam (not necessary).

Make a hepdesk request of  headset with microphone and webcam.

Mac users please make a hepdesk  request  of Lync.

Use of Multifunction devices in projects

Projects that involve members with external user account and students now have a temporary printing solution. A more permanent solution is still under developement.

The project manager makes a requisition for top-up cards at http://hd.metropolia.fi. He requisitions a necessary number of cards and distributes them to the project members as needed.

The project manager also keeps a record of the cards.

Billing is handled via internal billing.

Project members receive the cards according the following instructions

Instructions for the project manager.
http://tietohallinto.metropolia.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=40142964 http://tietohallinto.metropolia.fi/display/tietohallinto/Arvoliput+monitoimilaitteille

Windows 7 and Office 2010 SP1 updates in Agricolankatu and Bulevardi

Windows 7 and Office 2010 Service Pack1 updates will be installed on staff computers in Agricolankatu and Bulevardi

on Monday 6th February 2012 beginning at 8:45 pm.

Computers will restart after the updates but you will be notified 5 minutes in advance. Save all open documents then.

Phishing is a common experience for email users these days.  Metropolia email users often receive requests for their network/email passwords, user IDs, and other private data.  Some of these emails can be very convincing and appear to be from Metropolia ITS Staff.

However, you should know that ITS will never, ever request your password!  Emails requesting your password or other personal data should simply be DELETED upon receipt.

Below are newest messages of phishing emails received here at Metropolia and should be deleted upon receipt.

Your mailbox has exceeded the storage limit which is 10GB as set by your administrator, you are currently running on 10.9GB,you may not be able to send or receive new mail until you re-validate your mailbox.To re-validate your mailbox  please send the following details

Retype Password::
Email Address::

If you fail to re-validate your mailbox, your mailbox will be De-activated!!!

System Administrator

Lähettäjä: Webmail ylläpitäjä [address removed]
Lähetetty: 27. toukokuuta 2012 11:02
Aihe: Vahvista Identity Webmail

Hyvä Webmail tilin käyttäjä,
Tämä viesti on peräisin webmail-tili päivitys Service Team
viestikeskus kaikille tilaajille / webmail käyttäjille. Olemme tällä
hetkellä päivitystä meidän tietokantaan sekä e-mail keskus johtuen
epätavallisen toiminnan tunnistettu meidän sähköpostijärjestelmää.
Olemme poistamalla kaikki käyttämättömät webmailtilit. tilaa sille
Sinun tulee tarkistaa webmailtili vahvistamalla webmail identiteettiä.
Tämä estää Webmail-tilisi on suljettu tänä exercise.In varmistaakseen
Web-Mail identiteetti, sinun on annettava seuraavat tiedot;

Käyttäjätunnus / ID:

Antakaa kaikki nämä tiedot täydellisesti ja oikein muuten johtuu
turvallisuussyistä saatamme joutua sulkemaan tilisi temporarily.We on
lähetät tämän ilmoituksen kaikille sähköpostitilille omistajat ja tämä
on viimeinen tiedote / tarkastuksesta.

Webmail huoltosopimuksen Team

Kiitos ymmärrystä.
3xepyl Error 506: Code Alert

Computer classroom printers will be removed in Myyrmäki during week 8, i.e. February 20-24, 2012.

After this free black & white printing will be possible in printing points which are located here:

  • A2072, library computer workspace (open during library hours)
  • 2nd floor lobby, adjacent to A203
  • B143, 1st floor project space
  • B236, 2nd floor project space

In these rooms students use their own printer paper.

Toshiba multifunction printing continues to be a fee based service for students.

Toshiba multifunction printers can print, copy, and scan both black & white and color.

Printing and copying is fee based but scanning is free.

Leiritie 1 multifunction printers

Students' instructions for using multifunction printers