Helpdesk phone is closed on May 23 and May 24, 2011

Helpdesk phone is closed on Monday, May 23 and Tuesday, May 24

due to IT Services planning seminar.

Remote-desktop (Vmware View) is being updated on the weekend (Sat. 14.5 - Sun. 15.5)
During this time the remote-desktop will be unavailable.

Security updates

Security updates are distributed centrally by Metropolia IT Services.

What are security updates?

Instructions on what to do when updates are available

A 15-minute  b r e a k  in the use of Tuubi on May 4th at 5 pm.

Tuubi will be rebooted at 5 pm. Errors creating links in "My Links" will be rectified. The malfunction of the "Preview"  in "Documenets" is targeted as well.

The break lasts about 15 minutes.