Old Tube is available

Old Tube is available (read only) at https://tuubiold.metropolia.fi

New Tube is offline on Monday February 14th due to technical problems. The system is currently under repair. We are sorry for inconvenience.

Tube2 - catch it! Information on the transfer of Tube's workspaces

General about Workspaces:

1. All active and archived workspaces in Tube will be transferred. Also the workspace user accounts with their permissions will be transferred. However, if a workspace has thousands of members only the administrators will be transferred. All the other users will be imported at the implementation of Tube2.

2. The transfer will be performed in two phases. The transfer will begin with archived workspaces and will proceed to active (currently used) workspaces during the weekend preceding the implementation.

3. After the launch of Tube2, the old Tube will be avaiblable in browsing mode only until May 31, 2011 at tuubiold.metropolia.fi

Transfer of archived Workspaces:

The launch of Tube2 is approaching (February 14, 2011). In connection with the launch the transfer of archived Workspaces to Tube2 will begin on Friday, February 4, 2011.

Changes made to archived Workspaces after February 4, 2011, 1:00 PM will not be transferred. Accordingly, no updates should be done after that moment.

Transfer of active Workspaces:

The transfer of active workspaces will begin on February 11, 2011 at 1:00 PM. After that moment the current Tube will be available in browsing mode only at tuubiold.metropolia.fi. The new Tube2 will be available beginning on February 14, 2011 at 8:00 AM at the familiar address tuubi.metropolia.fi

It is advisable to ensure that the due date of homework does not fall on the weekend in question, but is instead postponed if needed.

Tube2 Newsflashes

Thu February 17, 9:00-10:30 AM, Bulevardi 31, P317 auditorio
Thu February 17, 13:00-14:30 PM, Leiritie 1, iso auditorio
Fri February 18, 9:00-10:30 AM, Vanha viertotie 23, auditorio I116
Tue March 1, 9:00-10:30 AM, Hämeentie 161, auditorio H1009
Tue March 8, 9:00-10:30 PM, Tukholmankatu 23, TF102
Fri March 18, 12:00-13:30, Vantaa maantie 6, Vaara-auditorio

Tube 2 - catch it!

The new Tube 2 will be available beginning on Monday February 2 at 8 AM at the familiar address https://tuubi.metropolia.fi.

Metropolia's current Tube will be run down on Friday February 11 at 1:00 PM and can be accessed read only at https://tuubiold.metropolia.fi

Between Friday afternoon and Monday morning nothing can be saved in Tube. For example students will not be able to return their home work in Tube's


More details will follow as the date approaches. Tube's old materials will be available until May 5, 2011.

There will be newsflashes about Tube 2 as well as training for content producers, as need arises.

What's new?

Announcements will be categorized: current, news, events, job announcements.

Announcements can be targeted more acurately.

There will be information on Tube 2's front page on events at Metropolia, news at metropolia.fi and Metropolia's visibility in the media.

Tube 2 will increase communality: commenting on content and news will be possible.

Old Student's Guide will be replaced by For Student section. The content of the guide as a whole will be transferred to the new section.

Organization tab will be replaced by Contact Us -section. Students' and staff's names and e-mail addresses can be found there.

The content of Processes tab will be transferred to the new For Staff section.

We will make daily announcements on new features as Tube 2's implementation date approaches.

Single Sign-on

A single act of authentication will give the user access to Moodle, WinhaWille, STTS, Room Reservation and lukkarikone (?), as the user account permits.


Thu February 2, 9:00-10:30 AM, Bulevardi 31, P317 auditorio

Thu February 2, 13:00-14:30 PM, Leiritie 1, iso auditorio

Fri February 2, 9:00-10:30 AM, Vanha viertotie 23, auditorio I116

Tue March 1, 9:00-10:30 AM, Hämeentie 161, auditorio H1009

Tue March 8, 9:00-10:30 PM, Tukholmankatu 23, TF102

Fri March 18, 12:00-13:30, Vantaa maantie 6, Vaara-auditorio

Due to security updates and apache/php version updates there will be several short maintenance outages in programming services and web services during the coming weekend, February 5th and 6th.

In addition to routine updates, also the PHP support of the web servers will be updated from version 5.2 to version 5.3 which may require changes in page coding or in the publication platform on the following servers: users.metropolia.fi, vhos.metropolia.fi and projects.metropolia.fi. The people in charge of the projects on these servers must ensure that the code or publication platform are updated.

Tuubi and Moodle will be down for maintenance on Sunday morning, February 6th.