Sun 19.12 Service request system (Requeste) is offline.

Sun 19.12 Service request system (Requeste) is will be updated. During this time will be offline.
Messages sent to will be flagged as pending and will arrive after the update is complete.
The Requeste client used by Library services, Facilities maintenance and Data Administration will also be offline during this time.

Mon 20.12 Installation of the new Request client happens automatically upon workstation startup. Don't try to start the program until a new Requeste 4.4.4. shortcut has appeared on the desktop and the newest version can be found in the Start-menu.

Should the system inform you that you are using an outdated version after midday, please make a service request at The service request needs to specify the name of the name of the workstation. IT-support will then update your computer remotely.

Data Administration