Windows 7 and E-mail progress

Progress info and reminders. Do not use old E-mail system, use or Outlook.
Currently about 90% of Metropolia Windows machines have been updated to Windows 7. There are some personnel’s laptop computers that have been with them during holiday and thus have not been updated. If your computer has not been updated please contact helpdesk (

If your computer has been updated and you notice that some programs or devices are not installed, please list the needed programs and leave a service ticket to helpdesk (

Also E-mail accounts have been transferred into new Exchange-system. Both student’s and personnel’s E-mails are now in the same system and all new mails are directed to the new mailbox. Your E-mail address stays the same as before and you can use your E-mail at Do not use GoupWise-software anymore because messages sent from GroupWise may not reach recipient.

For personnel: Calendar markings and address books are being moved into the new system in a few days. Notice that also all old markings are being moved and after that the system asks you to dismiss old calendar reminders. Personnel can use (in addition to Outlook 2010 software which can be found on your desktop. Guide how to startup Outlook 2010 on your computer:
Archived mails will be converted after calendar-markings have been moved to new system (concerns only personnel that have used GroupWise archive-option).

Those who had both Groupwise and Horde accounts - mailboxes have been combined so that Groupwise-mails are in ”groupwise” -folder and Horde mails are in ”unixmail” -folder depending on which mailbox has been the primary mailbox.

Trainings for new office / Windows 7 will continue on August, find dates from Tuubi -> HR -> Henkilöstökoulutukset.

More info and guides: -> click ”Uusi käyttöympäristö 2010”
Outlook help also at:

Office help and how-to:

IT Services

Tube net drive services are available again

Tube net drive services (U: - and T: drives) are available again

Phishing is a common experience for email users these days.  Metropolia email users often receive requests for their network/email passwords, user IDs, and other private data.  Some of these emails can be very convincing and appear to be from Metropolia ITS Staff.

However, you should know that ITS will never, ever request your password!  Emails requesting your password or other personal data should simply be DELETED upon receipt.

Below are newest message of phishing email received here at Metropolia and should be deleted upon receipt.


DGTFX virus on havaittu kansioiden
Sähköpostitilisi on päivitetty uutta
Suojattu DGTFX anti-virus 2010 versio estää
vahingoista meidän webmail sisään ja tärkeät
Napsauta vastaus-välilehti Täytä sarakkeet alla
palauttaa tai sähköpostiosoitteesi tili lopetetaan
vältetään viruksen leviämisen.


Webmail Tekninen tiimi

Huomaa, että salasana salataan
1024-bittinen RSA-avaimet salasanan turvallisuutta.

Other message of phishing email received here at Metropolia and should be deleted upon receipt.

From: Webmaster Email Admin []
Sent: 24. elokuuta 2010 14:00
Subject: Nosta Sähköpostikiintiö / Varoitus

Tämä ilmoittaa teille, että olette ylittänyt email tariffikiintiön rajoissa 325MB ja sinun on lisättävä sähköpostiosoitteesi kiintiön rajoissa, koska alle 48 tuntia sähköpostiosoitteesi on poistaa. Nosta email kiintiön rajoissa ja edelleen käyttää webmail-tili.

Voit lisätä sähköpostiosoitteesi kiintiön rajan 4.2GB napsauttamalla alla

Kiitos ymmärrystä.
Webmail Administrator