All Metropolia users have remote VPN access. Remote access is required when using internal services from outside Metropolia's offices. Remote access via VPN to the internal network is determined by the user's role and terminal.

Systems that require a VPN connection:

Use a VPN connection only when necessary and prudent to ensure sufficient capacity!

Do not use a VPN connection while using online learning platforms, video conferencing services, or watching videos.

Services available remotely via VPN may be temporarily or permanently restricted when security or availability of critical services so require.

Metropolia's VPN connection is not designed for crisis situations.

OMA, Moodle, Zoom, Teams, or Skype for Business don't need a VPN connection to work.

Due to load issues, the ZOOM service will be migrated from Nordunet's cloud to Zoom's European cloud for a state of emergency and Zoom's cloud storage will be disabled. When the situation returns to normal, Zoom is returned to the Nordunet cloud.

More information about the services can be found at: ( management)

Direct links:
- VPN Help: (
- Cloud Service Instruction: ( Cloud Services)
- ZOOM Help: (

OMA will be updated tuesday 10.3.2020 startig at 4 pm.

Duration approximately half an hour.

IT Support

We will perform maintenance work on Metropolia's data center services from March 14 to March 15, which will result in ALL Metropolia’s network and IT services being closed on Saturday, March 14, 2020, starting at 9am. It is estimated that the maintenance work will be completed no later than 15.3.2020 23:30. The service break also applies to HAKA login and Eduroam services. According to estimates, most services will be made available during saturday, but unexpected outages may also occur on Sunday. We will endeavor to make all services normally available by Monday 16.3.2020. In the event of a service being unavailable, please visit and submit a service request.

Issues identified after yesterday's update between 4:00 pm and 4:30 pm have been fixed.

  •      Tuudo
  •      Lukkari Machine
  •      Enrollment visibility
  •      Assessment of achievements and enrollment view
  •      Study Guide (There are no implementations on the Study Offers tab)

Other issues can be reported to the helpdesk at or email

IT Services

OMA will be updated tuesday 14.1.2020 startig at 4 pm.

Duration approximately half an hour.

IT Support

Some of Metropolia's services may have outages today on the 12th of December 2019 due to security updates.

Outages do not affect OMA or Moodle.

IT Services

Duration approximately half an hour.

IT Support

Currently printing is not working due to network issues.

There are also problems with accessing cloud services and some of the wireless network.

The problem is being solved with Elisa's support. It is not yet known when the network will operate normally.

OMA will be updated tuesday 1.10. between 8pm and 10pm.

IT Support

Pre-release: Due to the transfer of the Leppävaara data center and network to Myllypuro, ALL Metropolia's network and IT services will be closed on Friday, October 11, 2019 at 16.00. It is estimated that the move will be completed by 15.10. The break also applies to HAKA login and Eduroam service. According to estimates, most services will be available during the weekend, but unexpected outages may occur at that time.

Communication on this issue will be intensified in the coming weeks. During the removal, the situation will be announced later at Tilannehuone-web site

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this removal


Tuomas Orama
Development manager

Over the weekend September 14-15 2019, Metropolia IT Services prepares to transfer the Leppävaara server room. Due to the preparations, there will be service outages as listed below. Services will also be slower than usual over the weekend.

On Friday, September 6, 2019 from 4pm to 10pm, there will be interruptions due to software updates for communication devices.
A service outage may be shorter than specified.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

The break is due to the version update.

We're sorrry for the inconvenience. 

OMA will be updated friday 5.7. startig at 11 am (duration about half an hour).

IT Support

OMA will be updated tuesday 2.7. startig at 3 pm.

IT Support