System upgrade to Toisu  Vuosisuunnittelu
Due to system upgrade on March 12.  Toisu / Vuosisuunnittelu is unavailable at 7.15 - 7.30 AM. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Metropolia IT

System upgrade to Toisu Vuosisuunnittelu
Due to system upgrade on March 12.  Toisu / Vuosisuunnittelu is unavailable at 7.15 - 7.30 AM. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Metropolia IT

New information about vulnerability found in WinhaWille

Because of a vulnerability found in WinhaWille, some Wille webservices are temporarily out of use until week 10th.

During this time teachers and Student Affairs Offices can help you with enrollments in urgent matters. If you are studying in Helsinki units ask teacher to help you, Student in Espoo and Myyrmäki unit please take contact to degree programmes assistant and students in Tikkurila unit can get help from Student Affairs Office.

Pirkko Niskanen

Possible vulnerability found in WinhaWille

Because of a possible vulnerability found in WinhaWille, some Wille webservices are temporarily out of use. Students can't make their implementation enrollments or address changes in WinhaWille.
During this time teachers and Student Affairs Offices can help you with enrollments in urgent matters. If you are studying in Helsinki units ask teacher to help you, Student in Espoo and Myyrmäki unit please take contact to degree programmes assistant and students in Tikkurila unit can get help from Student Affairs Office.
We will inform when WinhaWille's implementation option is in use again.

Pirkko Niskanen

IT service outages on weekend 20.-21.2.

Network maintenance will cause short outages on all services (eg. Tuubi, email, network drives) on 20.-21.2.

Synchronizing problems with our servicetree have rendered.

Synchronizing problems with our servicetree have rendered. Tuubi and several

other systems (Z: Drive) unavailable for the moment.

We are working on the issue.

At next weekend, where are going to install network communication devices, which means that workstations and VoIP phones have several short downtimes. At saturday , there is going to be some setup works too, causing short downtimes too. At sunday in Myyrmäki,  A-side workstations and all services may be unavailable for several hours.
Saturday 13.2.

  • Bulevardi, short downtime of lisenceservers
  • Vanha maantie, downtimes of  A-side VoIP-phones
  • Onnentie, downtime of workstations
  • Hämeentie, in Tavi-house downtimes of workstations and VoIP-phones after 2 pm 

Sunday 14.2.

  • Leiritie, downtime at 10 am to 18 pm of A-side workstations and VoIP-phones

Jani Kaljunen

Students and Staff

Do you remember, that deletion of S: -drive files (/scratch in linux) starts 5.2.2009.
As in heldesk's info was told 21.12.2009, that all more than one month old files will be deleted. This deletion happens every day from tomorrow.

If you need your old files from S: -drive, save them right now!

More infromation about net drives:

Mikko Suomi

If you get email messages with attachments named as following

DO NOT OPEN. Delete those messages. Thank you.

Metropolia's IT Services department carried out its annual customer satisfaction survey in November 2009. The survey was aimed to our main customers: Metropolia's students and staff. The questionnaire included 27 questions, 23 multiple choice questions and four open questions. Some questions were only meant for the staff members.

We received totally 702 responses,224 responses from staff members (about 20% of total number of full-time staff employed) and 487 responses from students (which is only about 4 % of students enrolled as present).

The questions asked can be divided into three main areas. The first 11 questions were related to helpdesk and purchasing service, the next 7 questions were related to systems maintenance services, and the final 10 questions were related to various main information systems used in Metropolia, and to information systems development projects.

The above mentioned three main areas received the following grades from respondents:

On helpdesk and purchase services 71 % of respondents (74 % of staff members) gave either Excellent (5) or Good (4) grades. The median was 4.

On systems maintenance services 56 % of respondents (50 % of staff members) gave either Excellent or Good grades. The median was 4.

On information systems and information systems development projects 33 % of respondents (21 % of staff members) gave either Excellent or Good grades. The median was 3.

Some results of the individual questions are listed down here:

What is your opinion on Helpdesk services in problem management?

Excellent or Good 73% (staff 80%)

What is your opinion in Helpdesk activities in class room maintenance?

Excellent or Good 65 % (staff 73 %)

How well do IT Services handle IT purchases?

Excellent or Good 64 % (staff 59 %)

What is your opinion on your personal office workstation ?

Excellent or Good 73 % (staff only)

What is your opinion on Metropolia network functionality and speed?

Excellent or Good 65 % (staff 64 %)

How do Metropolia WLAN services operate?

Excellent or Good 56 %  (staff 45 %)

What is your opinion on Winhawille/Winhaviivi study control system?

Excellent or Good 40 % (staff 35 %)

How do you like Tuubi-portal?

Excellent or Good 38 % (staff 24 %). Median:3

Are the schedules and scheduling tools adequate?

Excellent or Good 33 % (staff 23 %). Median:3

What is you opinion on education planning systems (OPS-editor, Toisu, Totsu)?

Excellent or Good 14 % (staff only). Median: 2

What is your opinion on operations control system (STTS)?

Excellent or Good 17 % (staff only). Median: 2. ( Response percentage was only 30,8% of staff member respondents)

How well have new system implementations succeedeed?

Excellent or Good 25 % (staff 14 %). Median:3

We also received a lot of open answers to all main areas. They are very useful for us in development of our customer services. We will repeat the same kind of questionnaire annually. Our objective is now to improve customer satisfaction particularly in those areas which received mostly fair or poor remarks. Our objective is also to get more student respondents in the next customer survey, because this time the number of students who answered our questions was quite minimal, particularly in some of our campuses.

Our warm thanks to all of you who gave us very valuable feedback.

Tuomo Rintamäki

Chief Information Officer (CIO)

A reminder to graduating students

Your user rights expire!

Please read the general policy on the use of information systems item 4.

Workstation replacement summer 2009

New workstations may require your actions!

Metropolia IT Services replaces during the summer 2009 some 500 staff and 400 classroom workstations belonging to Helpdesk maintenance. Staff workstations are replaced during midsummer and classrooms in August and in the beginning of September.

Read the bulletin covering the procedure.

Helpdesk telephone answering service is closed 18.-19.5.

You can submit a request of service at

In many Metropolia's webservices there so called self signed certificate in use. This causes warning message when using internet browser (Internet Explorer and Firefox). To use services you should add an exception or accept SSC into your browser.

Helpdesk system

New Metropolia Helpdesk system is at

Never send your password to anyone anywhere, not even to us if you have problems with your account.