There was a Tuubi update on 26.4.2011

To ease browsing, Next/Previous links were added to the announcements. 

In addition a function to simulate recipients was added for the writer of the announcement that shows the amount of the recipients and lists the first 100 of them.

We have received a lot of Tube improvement suggestions. All suggestions - small and big ones - will be put together and worked on in an open workshop May 12, 9:00-12:00AM on Bulevardi. If there is enough participation, we  will devide in groups by topic. Topics can be e.g. workspaces, announcements and info pages. Workshops will be open to everyone.

A summary of suggestions received so far can be viewed on the Tuubi2 development suggestions page. Improvement suggestions received in discussions and from clusters will be  added to  Tuubi2 development suggestions.

The next Tuubi improvements will be made to the front page and the readability of the announcement listing. These improvements will take place in two phases - first, the appearance will be simplified and then, functionalities will be improved.

The workspaces listing, bulletins (latest announcements), events and news will remain on everyone's front page. User's edit permission to the front page and other settings will proceed to a further development phase. Opening a document in preview or directly in an application is an example of settings.

Small improvements and fixes are done continually. The latest improvement is the browser's Next/Previous selection.

The most of errors are now handeled and the first minor improvements are at hand. We updated the Tube  yesterday. Tghe update lasted longer than anticipated due to other maintenance task performed concurrently - apologies for that.

The update improves the following Tuubi Workspaces features:

  • the Workpaces listing on the frontpage shows all active course workspaces
  • the listing now shows changes made to the  documents in the Document-tab.
  • user interface and usability improvements in the Document-tab as well as in the Assignments-tab
  • also fixes of misfunctions in Workspaces functionalities

Development suggestions

The plentiful development suggestions and needs and how to participate in the evaluation of those will be covered in another announcement today friady 8th.

Latest Tube2 fixes

Update on March 22.

Some technical and functional fixes were made yesterday on Tube.

All English language study modules are now listed in the proper language, in English.

Students can create ZIP-packages of the documents in the workspace.

Workspace announcements distributed as email contain a hyperlink to the actual announcement.

The missing hyperlinks in the documents will be transferred this week.

Contact information
Contact information shows Metropolia staff only.

Minor improvements in the offing
On week 13 the first of minor improvements will be done based on your feedback. The target is the usability of workspaces.

For more information: Tapio Ekholm


Developments and problem situations
During the implementation of the Tube2 we collect suggestions on improvements and developments. Please give your suggestions in Tube2-development.

In encountering problems please contact the User Support at or
Describe your problem in detail to ensure a prompt solution. Give the date, time and i.e. the name of the workspace or code or the name of teh announcement and the error message, if any.

Worst of errors are rectified - next we will make minor improvements

The most of the errors or malfunctioning encountered by users should by now be rectified.

Next we will concentrate on minor improvements - easy fixes – for the next weeks. During the spring and later functional improvements will be seen. We will also be able to follow and comment on the feedback and suggestions received.

The front page

The workspaces listing in "Recently updated" do not serve every user in the best way. We will address this with an easy fix.

Announcements on the front page (Latest announcements, News and Events) will stay as is while the rest will be optional. This applies to the "Vacancies" as well now on the front page.


The new Tube has had a lot of feedback that anyone's own workspaces cannot be seen easily and are not navigable. We will have some improvement on this. Later on we will look into the possibility for the user to manage which workspaces to display on the frontpage. All the workspaces can be found alphabetically listed trough the "Workspces" button on the upper navigation bar.

Changes in any worksapce, including the document management part besides the changes in the announcenments, assignments and returning these or in the discussions are notified in the red 'infocircles'. At the moment the front page listing shows at most five most recently updated workspaces in each category: Course, Study realted and General workspaces.

All workspaces created after 1.1.2009 are now transferred. Should you need a workspace created prior to this date please make a service request to the User Support.

Hyperlinks in the documents of the Old Tube were not moved over in the transfer. The hyperlinks will be moved over starting at week 12. Should you have more urgent needs, please go to the Old Tube and copy the links by yourself.

Network drives

Access to network drives is remedied. Users at the Helsinki konservatorio, Pop&Jazz opisto as well as partners will have an error announcement and need to give their password at the first try. Thereupon acces is direct. Single problems are solved based on Helpdesk requests.

WinhaWille sign-on

The single sign-on by students is now working. The SSO-service might ask the user to pass the certificate check. Please see the instructions.


The listing and displaying of announcements will be polished.

Feedback on study modules

Feedback by students can be seen in the appropriate workspace. After commenting on the feedback, it will at the moment not be accessible from the frontpage.  

Contact information

The search function will be improved.

Numbers on usage

On Wednesday, March the 10th there were 7.800 users signing on. The total sign-ons on that day was 17.200.


Developments and problem situations
During the implementation of the Tube2 we collect suggestions on improvements and developments. Please give your suggestions in

In encountering problems please contact the User Support at or
Describe your problem in detail to ensure a prompt solution. Give the date, time and i.e. the name of the workspace or code or the name of teh announcement and the error message, if any.

Tube is offline Today 8.3. 16.15-16.25

Today 8.3. Tuubi will be updated. During this time Tuubi will be offline about 10 minutes.

Tube2 status on March 3rd, 2011


All workspaces created after 1.1.2009 are now transferred. Should you need a workspace created prior to this date please make a service request to the User Support.

Hyperlinks in the documents of the Old Tube were not moved over in the transfer. The hyperlinks will be moved over starting at week 11 at the earliest. Should you have more urgent needs, please go to the Old Tube and copy the links by yourself.

Some flaws and malfunctions in the workspaces have been or are under correction. The display, flagging of changes in the workspace, joining, delivering of announcements by email, as well as returns of assignment and file uploads have been erroneous in some cases.

A system error connecting to these problems is identified and is currently troubleshooted. When corrected the worst of the problems should be passed.

Network drives

Access to network drives is remedied. Single problems are solved based on Helpdesk-requests.

WinhaWille sign on

The single sign on by students is now working. The SSO-service might ask the user to pass the certificate check. Please see the instructions.


The listing and displaying of announcements needs fixing. The writers have had problems in attaching files and the new way of aiming and usage still needs some polishing.


The startup headaches are now gone. However, follow-up, adjustments and optimization is still needed.

Feedback on study modules

Feedback by students is to be seen in the appropriate workspace. After commenting on the feedback, it will at the moment not be accessible from the frontpage.

Going on with improvements

We expect to have the worst problems solved and remedied during this week. Then we will continue with polishing away incompletenesses and akwardenesses in the user interface as i.e. brought forth by your feedback. During this spring the tuning of the Tube2 will be completed .
On this we will continue to add new features and functionalities. These developments and their priorization well be brought to you, the Tube2 users, for evaluation prior to any decisions.

Developments and problem situations

During the implementation of the Tube2 we collect suggestions on improvements and developments. Please give your suggestions in Tuub2-developments

In encountering problems please contact the User Support at or
Describe your problem in detail to ensure a prompt solution. Give the date, time and i.e. the name of the workspace or code or the name of teh announcement and the error message, if any.

Old Tube is available

Old Tube is available (read only) at

New Tube is offline on Monday February 14th due to technical problems. The system is currently under repair. We are sorry for inconvenience.

Tube2 - catch it! Information on the transfer of Tube's workspaces

General about Workspaces:

1. All active and archived workspaces in Tube will be transferred. Also the workspace user accounts with their permissions will be transferred. However, if a workspace has thousands of members only the administrators will be transferred. All the other users will be imported at the implementation of Tube2.

2. The transfer will be performed in two phases. The transfer will begin with archived workspaces and will proceed to active (currently used) workspaces during the weekend preceding the implementation.

3. After the launch of Tube2, the old Tube will be avaiblable in browsing mode only until May 31, 2011 at

Transfer of archived Workspaces:

The launch of Tube2 is approaching (February 14, 2011). In connection with the launch the transfer of archived Workspaces to Tube2 will begin on Friday, February 4, 2011.

Changes made to archived Workspaces after February 4, 2011, 1:00 PM will not be transferred. Accordingly, no updates should be done after that moment.

Transfer of active Workspaces:

The transfer of active workspaces will begin on February 11, 2011 at 1:00 PM. After that moment the current Tube will be available in browsing mode only at The new Tube2 will be available beginning on February 14, 2011 at 8:00 AM at the familiar address

It is advisable to ensure that the due date of homework does not fall on the weekend in question, but is instead postponed if needed.

Tube2 Newsflashes

Thu February 17, 9:00-10:30 AM, Bulevardi 31, P317 auditorio
Thu February 17, 13:00-14:30 PM, Leiritie 1, iso auditorio
Fri February 18, 9:00-10:30 AM, Vanha viertotie 23, auditorio I116
Tue March 1, 9:00-10:30 AM, Hämeentie 161, auditorio H1009
Tue March 8, 9:00-10:30 PM, Tukholmankatu 23, TF102
Fri March 18, 12:00-13:30, Vantaa maantie 6, Vaara-auditorio

Tube 2 - catch it!

The new Tube 2 will be available beginning on Monday February 2 at 8 AM at the familiar address

Metropolia's current Tube will be run down on Friday February 11 at 1:00 PM and can be accessed read only at

Between Friday afternoon and Monday morning nothing can be saved in Tube. For example students will not be able to return their home work in Tube's


More details will follow as the date approaches. Tube's old materials will be available until May 5, 2011.

There will be newsflashes about Tube 2 as well as training for content producers, as need arises.

What's new?

Announcements will be categorized: current, news, events, job announcements.

Announcements can be targeted more acurately.

There will be information on Tube 2's front page on events at Metropolia, news at and Metropolia's visibility in the media.

Tube 2 will increase communality: commenting on content and news will be possible.

Old Student's Guide will be replaced by For Student section. The content of the guide as a whole will be transferred to the new section.

Organization tab will be replaced by Contact Us -section. Students' and staff's names and e-mail addresses can be found there.

The content of Processes tab will be transferred to the new For Staff section.

We will make daily announcements on new features as Tube 2's implementation date approaches.

Single Sign-on

A single act of authentication will give the user access to Moodle, WinhaWille, STTS, Room Reservation and lukkarikone (?), as the user account permits.


Thu February 2, 9:00-10:30 AM, Bulevardi 31, P317 auditorio

Thu February 2, 13:00-14:30 PM, Leiritie 1, iso auditorio

Fri February 2, 9:00-10:30 AM, Vanha viertotie 23, auditorio I116

Tue March 1, 9:00-10:30 AM, Hämeentie 161, auditorio H1009

Tue March 8, 9:00-10:30 PM, Tukholmankatu 23, TF102

Fri March 18, 12:00-13:30, Vantaa maantie 6, Vaara-auditorio

Due to security updates and apache/php version updates there will be several short maintenance outages in programming services and web services during the coming weekend, February 5th and 6th.

In addition to routine updates, also the PHP support of the web servers will be updated from version 5.2 to version 5.3 which may require changes in page coding or in the publication platform on the following servers:, and The people in charge of the projects on these servers must ensure that the code or publication platform are updated.

Tuubi and Moodle will be down for maintenance on Sunday morning, February 6th.

Sun 19.12 Service request system (Requeste) is offline.

Sun 19.12 Service request system (Requeste) is will be updated. During this time will be offline.
Messages sent to will be flagged as pending and will arrive after the update is complete.
The Requeste client used by Library services, Facilities maintenance and Data Administration will also be offline during this time.

Mon 20.12 Installation of the new Request client happens automatically upon workstation startup. Don't try to start the program until a new Requeste 4.4.4. shortcut has appeared on the desktop and the newest version can be found in the Start-menu.

Should the system inform you that you are using an outdated version after midday, please make a service request at The service request needs to specify the name of the name of the workstation. IT-support will then update your computer remotely.

Data Administration

Phishing is a common experience for email users these days.  Metropolia email users often receive requests for their network/email passwords, user IDs, and other private data.  Some of these emails can be very convincing and appear to be from Metropolia ITS Staff.

However, you should know that ITS will never, ever request your password!  Emails requesting your password or other personal data should simply be DELETED upon receipt.

Below are newest message of phishing email received here at Metropolia and should be deleted upon receipt.

Sent: 1. marraskuuta 2010 12:24
Subject: Päivitä webmail-tili nyt

Hyvä Email tilin omistaja,

Tämä viesti on peräisin webmail viestikeskus kaikki webmail-tili omistajille. Olemme tällä hetkellä päivitystä meidän tietokanta ja e-mail tili keskus. Olemme lopettaa kaikki käyttämättömät sähköpostitilit luoda tilaa uusia tilejä.
Voit estää tilisi mitätöidään, joudut päivittämään sitä antamalla alla pyydetyt tiedot:

Vahvistanut sähköpostiosoitteesi käyttäjätietoja

Sähköposti Käyttäjätunnus: ...............
Sähköposti Salasana: ...............

Varoitus! Tilin omistaja, joka kieltäytyy päivitys hänen huomioon seitsemän päivän kuluessa tämän varoituksen menettää hänen huomioon pysyvästi.

Varoitus Code: VX2G99AAJ

Webmail Administrator

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

The problems with the Home Directory have been solved.

To gain access to your home directory, please restart your computer.
Sometimes the computer needs several restarts.

Home directory is unavailable

Home directory ( Z: -drive) is unavailable for the moment. We are working on the issue.

Home directory can be remotely accessed through Tube-portal