You may now log in of the Metropolia wiki service ( by using your Haka account. Metropolia has also introduced a single sign-on system in the wiki. More info

All you need to know about what is wiki and how to use it in Metropolia.

Blackout at Leppävaara on 27th March 2013

Metropolia´s IT services were unavailable due to short blackout at Leppävaara on Wednesday 27th March 2013. Blackout began after nine o´clock on the morning.

Service break on the Metropolia wiki platform on March 25th at 13-15. 

Sorry for the inconvenience. 

Maintenance on net drives on Wednesday 27/03/2013

Home directories and common net drives will be unavailable on 27/03/2013 for 10-15 minutes. The system update is scheduled at 11:00 am - 11:30 am and is performed by the supplier. When the update procedure is over, the net drives will be available again. If they are not, you should restart your workstation.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

IT Services

Due to updating Tube will be briefly unavailable 18.3. 17.00-17.15 p.m.

IT Services

On Sun 17.3. 11-14 p.m.there will be a data communications break due to hardware installations on Metropolia campuses below

  •      Hämeentie 161 new side
  •      Sofianlehdonkatu 5B
  •      Tukholmankatu 10
  •      Mannerheimintie 172
  •      Arabiankatu 2
The Tube had a sudden login error on thu. 14.3 around 13.00

The Tube had a sudden login error on thu. 14.3 around 13.00

The problem has been solved.

Due to updating Peppi will be briefly unavailable on 7th March 2013 from 03:00 pm to 03:15 pm.

Metropolia´s IT infrastructure is under maintenance work during weekend from 9th to 10th March 2013. WLAN is updated on Sunday morning, when it is not available.

There will be short interruptions on IT services according to following schedule:

On Saturday,  9th March 2013

10:00 am11:00 amAlbertinkatu and Kalevankatu               
11:00 am12:00 noonAgricolankatu
12:00 noon03:00 pmSofianlehdonkatu
03:00 pm06:00 pmMannerheimintie

On Sunday, 10th March 2013

10:00 am   01:00 pm  Vanha maantie, building A 2.108 - 2.134
01:00 pm02:00 pmTukholmankatu
02:00 pm06:00 pmArabiankatu


Due to updating Tube will be briefly unavailable 1.3.2013. 16.00-16.15 p.m.

Bulevardi conference room P410 AV equipment

Bulevardi conference room P410 fixed AV equipment is out of order. A separate video projector and projector screen have been temporarily installed in the room. 

The cause of the malfunction is being investigated.

IT Services

Security holes found in Adobe Reader are widely utilized because of the popularity of the software.

IT Services strengthens information security in the use of PDF files by enabling Protected View in Adobe Reader.

The change will take place automatically.

Additional information on Adobe Reader security settings


PDF-tiedostojen turva-asetusten parantaminen



Due to updating Tube will be briefly unavailable 19.2. 16.00-16.15 p.m.

F-Secure Version Update

The F-Secure virus scanner and firewall software is being updated to version 10. Most of Metropolia classroom and staff desktop computers have already been updated. Updates on laptops will begin on Wednesday February 20, 2013.

Laptops will be automatically updated when they are connected to Metropolia fixed network and are within the reach of F-Secure software administration.

In the end of the updating the computer will restart. After the restart the computer will be in network quarantine for 15 minutes during which time network drives, e-mail and the internet connection are not available.

More information about F-Secure updates


F-securen vanhojen versioiden päivitys

Phishing is a common experience for email users these days. Metropolia email users often receive requests for their network/email passwords, user IDs, and other private data. Some of these emails can be very convincing and appear to be from Metropolia ITS Staff.

However, you should know that ITS will never, ever request your password! Emails requesting your password or other personal data should simply be DELETED upon receipt.

Below are newest message of phishing emails received here at Metropolia and should be deleted upon receipt.

From: tania.jain (at)
Subject: Henkilökunta / Sudent / Admin / työntekijä Kiireelliset Email Notification

Kaikki Laitos / tiedekunta,

Hyvä Email tilin omistaja
Täten ilmoittaa teille, että sähköpostitilisi on ylittänyt varastointi rajan. Et voi lähettää ja vastaanottaa sähköpostiviestejä ja sähköpostisi poistetaan meidän palvelimelta. Voit välttää tämän ongelman, sinun kannattaa tarkistaa sähköpostitilin täyttämällä tämän Maunal tiedot. Tämä viesti on Helpdesk. Koska meidän uusin IP Security päivitykset meillä on syytä epäillä, että webmail-tili avattiin kolmas osapuoli. Suojaamaan teidän webmail-tili on ensisijainen huolenaihe, meillä on rajoitettu pääsy arkaluontoisia webmailtili features.Failure sen uusimiseen, sähköpostisi on estetty 24 tuntia.

Voit välttää tämän ongelman,
Sinua kehotetaan tarkistaa sähköpostitilin nyt

[link removed]

Jos näin ei tehdä on tilisi käytöstä luvattoman käytön.
Järjestelmän Help Desk Administrator

If you sent your information in response to the message, change your password immediately at