The winners of the quiz based on the IT Services Days presentations have been drawn.

The winners of the two Nokia Lumia 820 are:

Niklas Tanskanen
Saila Karesniemi

The winners of USB 3 16GB memory sticks are:

Tung Trinh
Tung Nguyen
Nikolay Mihaylov
Päivi Leskinen
Ivan Paulov
Davide Pavone
Ahmed Sherko
Yavello Yatasa
Ismail Belmostefa
Mikko Fossi

The correct answers and open comments on the event and IT Services activities can be found at IT Services day.

Hämeentien esityksen tallenteen voi katsoa täältä.

Watch the Hämeentie presentation recording in English

Phishing email warning!

Phishing is a common experience for email users these days. Metropolia email users often receive requests for their network/email passwords, user IDs, and other private data. Some of these emails can be very convincing and appear to be from Metropolia ITS Staff.

However, you should know that ITS will never, ever request your password! Emails requesting your password or other personal data should simply be DELETED upon receipt.

Below is the newest message of phishing email received here at Metropolia and should be deleted upon receipt.

From: Gunnel Granlund
Sent: 7. toukokuuta 2013 11:54
Subject: Vahvista tilisi
Postilaatikkoon on ylittänyt sen varastointi raja asettamaa järjestelmänvalvoja etkä voi vastaanottaa uusia viestejä ennen kuin olet uudelleen vahvistaa sitä. Uudelleen vahvista -> Kopioi tai klikkaa tästä  (link removed).

If you sent your information in response to the message, change your password immediately at

A fault has occurred in our Graduation system (, which prevents applicants to apply. We are working hard to fix the problem and bring the service back online. This does not affect in any way the possibility to graduate on 31.05.2013 and, depending on the duration of the repair, the deadline will be sufficiently extended.

Tuomas Orama
Development Manager

Peppi system will be upgraded today 3.5. from 11:30 to 11:45, in which case the system may experience downtime. The new version includes bug fixes and improvements.

 IT Support

Phishing email warning!

Phishing is a common experience for email users these days. Metropolia email users often receive requests for their network/email passwords, user IDs, and other private data. Some of these emails can be very convincing and appear to be from Metropolia ITS Staff.

However, you should know that ITS will never, ever request your password! Emails requesting your password or other personal data should simply be DELETED upon receipt.

Below are newest messages of phishing emails received here at Metropolia and should be deleted upon receipt.

Olet saavuttanut varastointi sahkopostikiintio raja postilaatikkoon.
Kay alla linkki palauttaa email paasy.
Klikkaa alla linkki paivittaa tilisi.

(link removed)
Laiminlyonti voi johtaa de-aktivointi tilisi

Kiitos ymmärrysta.
webmaster Administrator
Copyright © 2013 | Webmail Helpdest tukikeskus.

Subject: Re-Validate Your E-mail

You have reached the limit of your email quota, you will not be able to send or receive new mail until you re-validate your mailbox size.

Click Here (link removed)

Technical Support

If you sent your information in response to the message, change your password immediately at

Watch the Hämeentie presentation recording in English at

Information about our services

  • What is IT Services
  • Where can I get information and help
  • Environmentally friendly printing
  • Real time information services

Watch the recording and find the right answers to our quiz questions. The quiz will be open until 3rd of May
The winners of two Nokia 820 smartphones and ten USB3 memory sticks will be drawn from all correct entries in week 19.

Presentations in the auditorium in English


Watch the Hämeentie event online in English at 9:45am-10:15am at

Information briefs about our services
- What is IT Services
- Where can I get information and help
- Environmentally friendly printing
- Real time information services

Lobby 9am-1pm

IT Services staff will be present answering your questions and presenting their activities. Get to know browser based services and participate in a quiz that starts on April 22, at 10 am. The winners of two Nokia 820 smartphones and ten USB3 memory sticks will be drawn from all correct entries in week 19.

Open doors at the local Helpdesk, room H010, 9am-1pm

Presentations in the auditorium (TD1-02) in English


Information briefs about our services
- What is IT Services
- Where can I get information and help
- Environmentally friendly printing
- Real time information services

Lobby 10am-2pm

IT Services staff will be present answering your questions and presenting their activities. Get to know browser based services and participate in a quiz that starts on April 22, at 10 am. The winners of two Nokia 820 smartphones and ten USB3 memory sticks will be drawn from all correct entries in week 19.

Open doors at the local Helpdesk, room A406, 10am-2pm

IT Services day at Leppävaara campus

Presentations in the auditorium in English


Information briefs about our services
- What is IT Services
- Where can I get information and help
- Environmentally friendly printing
- Real time information services

Lobby 10am-2pm

IT Services staff will be present answering your questions and presenting their activities. Get to know browser based services and participate in a quiz that starts on April 22, at 10 am. The winners of two Nokia 820 smartphones and ten USB3 memory sticks will be drawn from all correct entries in week 19.


Give feedback on Metropolia ICT services. The winners of two Nokia Lumia smartphones, USB memory sticks and printing coupons for students to use on multifunction printers will be drawn from all entries.

IT Services maps out user satisfaction with and experiences of the functioning of IT services at Metropolia in a survey. The results of the survey pave the way to utilizing the latest technology in e.g. developing mobile device services, interactive technology, and social media in instruction and studies. 

The survey runs between April 19 and May 15, 2013. Entrants can participate in th draw by giving their e-mail address in the survey form. All responses will be processed confidentially and names will not be linked to the responses.

To the customer satisfaction survey: 

Metropolia IT Services is responsible for maintaining and keeping up-to-date the ICT software and equipment used in instruction and administration. IT Services is also responsible for planning and realizing new information systems.

Due to updating Tube will be briefly unavailable 10.4.2013 21.00-21.15 p.m

IT Services

Helpdesk telephone service is closed on 9th 8-13

Helpdesk telephone service is closed on 9th 8-13 due to Helpdesk meeting.

If needed, submit a service request at or  send e-mail to

Java6 Runtime Environment upgrade

Software vendor does not support and therefore does not apply new security updates for older Java6 JRE-installations since February 2013. Due to this IT Services will start upgrading workstations with Java6 installed to Java7 starting from week 16. Upgrades will be completed in several steps and are done in a centralized manner.

During the update all browsers will be closed for the duration of updates, older versions of Java6 will be uninstalled and replaced with the newest version of Java7.

IT Services

Due to updating Amme will be unavailable 8.4. 16-17 p.m.


Due to updating Amme( will be unavailable 8.4. 16-17 p.m.

PaperCut client software distribution to faculty workstations

IT Services will begin installation of PaperCut client software to faculty workstations during this week. Installation will be done in a centralized manner.

With the client software user can check and follow his/hers printing expenditures.

More information of the client software can be found here:


IT Services