The Peppi System will be updated on June 26, 2013 at 11:00-11:15

An update will be done on Peppi on June 26, 2013 at 11:00-11:15. Service interruptions may occur during the update.

The update brings a new functionality to superusers.

-       Cost ID check and fix tool for

o    implementations

o    tasks

o    projects

o    other work


Peppi project

Schedule machine (Lukkarikone) will be updated today 16-17 p.m.

Schedule machine (Lukkarikone) will be updated to new version today 16-17  p.m.

During this time the Schedule machine will be unavailable.

In the updated version users can move in Schedule machine (Lukkarikone) saved class schedules into their own OutLook calendars.

Helpdesk telephone service is closed from 24th June to 2nd August.

Helpdesk telephone service is closed from 24th June to 2nd August.

As needed, submit a request of service at  send e-mail to

Advices: Wiki of the IT Services

Have a Nice Summer!

IT Services

Helpdesk telephone service is closed on 12th June

Helpdesk telephone service is closed on 12th June due to Helpdesk meeting.

As needed, submit a request of service at

or  send e-mail to

Tube will be briefly unavailable 11.6.2013 16.15–16.45 p.m


Due to updating Tube will be briefly unavailable 11.6. 16.15–16.45 p.m


IT Services



Helpdesk telephone service is closed on 10th June

Helpdesk telephone service is closed on 10th June due to Helpdesk meeting.

As needed, submit a request of service at

or  send e-mail to

The remote desktop service will undergo a sizeable upgrade maintenance on June 17-20, 2013. Due to the maintenance remote desktops ( will not be available on June 17-18, 2013.

Additionally there will be maintenance outages in specific virtual machine groups on June 19-20, 2013. If you need the service in class room instruction, please contact IMMEDIATELY so that we can think of replacement alternatives for the class.


Phishing email warning!

Phishing is a common experience for email users these days. Metropolia email users often receive requests for their network/email passwords, user IDs, and other private data. Some of these emails can be very convincing and appear to be from Metropolia ITS Staff.

However, you should know that ITS will never, ever request your password! Emails requesting your password or other personal data should simply be DELETED upon receipt.

Below is the newest message of phishing email received here at Metropolia and should be deleted upon receipt.

Your mailbox has exceeded size limits set by the administrator.
The size of your mailbox is 78,944 KB. This is a warning that
your mailbox reaches 70000 KB. You can not send or receive new
messages until reduce the size of your mailbox. To make more
space available, must click and fill out the form below and
send accordily to help increase the size of your mailbox.

Web Admin System Manager

(link removed)

If you sent your information in response to the message, change your password immediately at

IT maintenance in Leppävaara on May 25–26, 2013

Due to IT maintenance, all services on all workstations are unavailable on May 25–26, 3013 in Leppävaara A wing in rooms 2.108–2.134 and in Digipaino.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the outage.

IT Services

Peppi scheduled update today at 4pm

Peppi will be updated to version this afternoon at 4pm. The update will last 15min and the system might be unavailable during that time.

The update includes the following new features and improvements:

  • Mass control of tasks that can be edited in table view (workplan view)
  • Improvements in the implementation of data editing views and improved view for different sized screens
  • Fixes in the resource planning and reservation menu
  •  Repetitive reservations can now be saved
  •  Fix to prevent overlapping reservations
  •  Add reservation in later added participants'  Outlook calendars
  • Fixes in the year planning menu
  • Tasks will now follow the implementation schedule, if the implementation schelude   changes.
Helpdesk telephone service is closed on 20th May

Helpdesk telephone service is closed on 20th May due to Helpdesk meeting.

As needed, submit a request of service at or  send e-mail to

Metropolia wireless network update on May 25-26, 2013



The Metropolia wireless network will be updated on May 25-26, 2013 on Hämeentie, Arabiankatu, Onnentie, Agricolankatu, Sofianlehdonkatu and Vanha viertotie campuses. There will be several long outages.

One third of wireless access points will be replaced with new ones. The new infrastructure will increase compatibility especially with new devices. Moreover, a new management software will be taken into use which will make troubleshooting easier.

After the update one third of the wireless access points will support only the older standard. All other access points will support the new standard the speed of which is five-fold compared to the old one.

Common areas will be preferred in the placement of new access points which may result in room-specific changes in coverage.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

IT Services

Outages in desk phone services this weekend, May18–19, 2013

Outages in desk phone services due to software updates on May 18–19, 2013.

If your desk phone does not work on Monday, May 20, 2013, unplug the phone cable from the wall socket and then replug the cable.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

IT Services

Due to ICT network maintenance, all IT services will be unavailable on Mannerheimintie campus on Sunday, May 19, 10am–4pm.

During the outage, it is not possible to log on to workstations or to use the wireless network.

We apologize the inconvenience.

IT Services

E-mail server's SSL-certificate changes 15.5.

E-mail server's SSL-certificate changes 15.5.2013. It may be that some clients are asking to accept the new certificate before you can read new mail.