Beginning on January 13, 2014 Helpdesk Phone Service hours will be extended on Monday through Thursday during instructional days. Phone Service can be reached at 09 7424 6969.

Monday - Thursday                   08.00 am - 17.30 pm
Friday08.00 am - 15.00 pm

Exceptional shorter service hours e.g. during non-instructional days will be announced separately in Tuubi and on the IT Services' website at

Please report IT problems by making a service request at or by sending e-mail to

The IT Services' website at provides information about the Metropolia user environment as well as instructions on solving various problems.



Helpdesk laajentaa palvelua pidentämällä puhelinpäivystysaikoja

Helpdesk telephone service is not available from 21st December 2013 to 6th January 2014.

You can make a request of service at or send email to, if you have problems with computing or IT.



Used computers sale on thursday 19.12.2013 16-20 in Albertinkatu 40-42, 00180 Helsinki

Address: Albertinkatu 40-42, 00180 Helsinki
Time: 16-20 

Directions to the purchase area can be found from the main entrance.

There are 36 pieces of computer packages for sale.

A computer package includes: 

  • HP 5800 
    • e8400 C2D 
    • 4x1GB 
    • 160GB 
    • No dedicated GPU
    • Operating System NOT included

  • HP 22" display
  • A keyboard, a mouse, 2x power cables, a video cable

Price: 80€


  • Only cash

You cannot make reservations!

All the computers have been tested and they should work. In case of any problems, the customer has to contact HelpDesk within a week from the sale.

There is a maintenance break on virtual workstations and  from 2nd to 3rd January 2014 due to version update .

All IT-services will be unavailable at Leiritie and Vanha viertotie on Sun 1.12. 9-20 due to Leiritie power break.

Due to Bulevard power break, the following IT services will be unavailable beginning on WED November 27, 20:00pm. The services will be available again sometime on Thursday morning.

  • Desktop virtualization (desktop- and
  • Popjazz and Conservatory student administration Wilma
  • Study program specific servers Eduplanner, Helmi, Lean, SAP, Smartgridgit, Smarteam, Crmedut, Flash

Peppi system was updated to version

The update brought with it the following new functionalities and improvements:

Improvements to the Resource tool:

  • Double booking prevented in certain situations.
  • Removing small groups and participants from reservations.
  • Free room search searches for free room from all repetitions.
  • Reservation transfer to Exchange fixed in cases where the reservation contains special characters.
  • "Plan and make reservations" function brings to view also suggested implementations in the future.
  • The room search displays the number of seats in classrooms.
  • Implementations with draft status are not displayed to teachers from now own. Planning is still in process in reservation drafts.
  • Editing of courses is possible also on teacher's desktop with limeted permissions.

Designer's desktop:

  • Adding of other work packages fixed in year planning.
  • Implementation and task cross scheduling prevented.
  • Improvements in the Workplan view.
  • In Workplan, possibility to add other categories (e.g. work categorization as suggested by OKM).

Other fixes included in version will be installed in production the latest during the next week. The fixes include fixes to the Year plan view.

Peppi project

In Peppi will be short outages November 25th at 22:00 pm to 23:30 pm

The system will be updated to version



Peppi järjestelmään tehdään päivitys 20.11. klo. 22.00-22.30, jolloin järjestelmän käytössä voi esiintyä katkoksia. Järjestelmä päivittyy versioon

Päivityksessä tulee mukana seuraavia uusia toiminnallisuuksia ja parannuksia:

  • Resurssivälineeseen liittyvät korjaukset:
  • Päällekkäisten varausten estäminen tietyissä tilanteissa.
  • Pienryhmien ja osallistujien poistaminen varauksilta.
  • Vapaan tilan etsiminen etsii vapaata tilaa kaikilta toistuvuuksilta.
  • Korjattu varauksen siirtyminen Exchangeen, jos varaus sisältää erikoismerkkejä
  • 'Suunnittele ja tee opetuksen varauksia' -toiminnossa tuodaan näkyviin myös tulevaisuudessa alkavat ehdotusmuotoiset toteutukset.
  • Tilahaussa näytetään luokkatilojen paikkamäärät.
  • Opettajan työpöytä:
  • Luonnos-statuksella olevat toteutukset eivät jatkossa näy opettajalle. Luonnos statuksella olevissa toteutuksissa on vielä suunnittelu kesken.
  • Opintojaksojen muokkaaminen mahdollista myös opettajan työpöydältä rajatuimmilla oikeuksilla.

Suunnittelijan työpöytä:

  • Korjaus muun työn pakettien lisäämiseen vuosisuunnittelussa.
  • Toteutusten ja tehtävien ajoitusten ristiinsyöttömahdollisuus estetty.
  • Työaikasuunnitelmanäkymän parannuksia.
  • Työaikasuunnitelmassa mahdollisuus lisätä muita kategorioita (esim. OKM:n mukainen kategorisointi töille)

Versioon versioon sisältyvät muut korjaukset asennetaan tuotantoon viimeistään ensi viikon aikana. Korjaukset sisältävät vuosisuunnittelun näkymiin korjauksia.


Tube will be briefly unavailable today 4:45-5:00 p.m.

During maintenance break  some workspace task errors or deficiencies will be fixed as well as anouncement followups and end-date specification errors.

Kaj Kuusisto  
IT Services
Tuubi not in use during the weekend starting Friday 4 p.m.

Tuubi will not be in use starting Friday at 4 p.m. and lasting until Sunday evening 6 p.m.

Peppi will be in use except for uploading and saving files (attachments).

The documents management system used By Tuubi and Peppi will be updated during the coming weekend. The planned maintenance break will commence on Friday Nov 8th at 4 p.m. and will last until Sunday evening Nov 10th 6 p.m. File uploads and saves with Peppi will be in use again after the upgrade.

At the moment the estimated time for work done is Saturday late afternoon

You will be able to follow the progress at the Tuubi address of Tuubi,    an announcement will open. The estimated time of work done will be in that annnouncement.

The functionalities of Tuubi or Peppi will be unchanged with the upgrade.

IT Services



Printing slowdowns with multifunction devices has been fixed.

Slow printing issue with MFDs on Mon 4.11 has been fixed.

Mozilla Firefox browser updates will begin on October 7

IT Services will begin centralized updates of the Firefox browser on October 7.

Updates will be done in phases, 1-2 campuses per week.

Browsers will be updated to the latest i.e. the enterprise version. In the future, browser updates will consist of security updates only. Features will not be updated.

Delivery delay on Windows RT Tablets

The large order of tablets has overwhelmed the distributor and its distribution channels, who managed to send an update on the delivery schedule. Delivery to Metropolia and further internal distribution will take time as well.

The 32GB RT tablets will arrive in the distributor?s warehouse on 6th November and delivery to customers will begin immediately.

Type Covers leave for the distributor in three batches:

First batch leaves on week 45

Second batch leaves on week 46

Third batch leaves on week 47

Our rough estimation on the tablets? delivery to Metropolia is for week 47 without Type Covers. Type Covers will be delivered to Metropolia customers when all of the ordered items arrive.

IT Services apologise for the delay

On Apple OS X 10.9 Mavericks update

Apple published its OS X 10.9 Mavericks update for Macintosh computers on October 22, 2013.

The update is free for computers running Mac OS X 10.6 or newer.


Notice to Metropolia staff:

Metropolia staff members must NOT themselves install operating system updates on their personal work computers or common computers maintained by Metropolia.

IT Services tests operating system updates and deploys them centrally when the new operating system suits Metropolia's needs.

IT Services observes the "maturation" of OS X 10.9 and its limited deployment is estimated to begin in early 2014.