Due to updating information security Metropolia services will be periodically unavailable on Tue. 10.2. 16-22 p.m.

There will be a break of service on the wiki platform of Metropolia (http://wiki.metropolia.fi) on Monday February 9, 2015, at 4:00-4:30pm.

The reason for the break is the upgrading of the version of the software.

We're sorry for the inconvenience. 

Beginning today Metropolia students and staff can download Office 365 ProPlus package for free. Students and staff have the right to install Office ProPlus on five devices. The programs are available for Windows and OSX computers as well as iPad.

Download instructions  on the IT Services website. Before downloading Office ProPlus, the student and staff member must accept Metropolia Cloud Service Terms. Logging on the download page works the latest 2 hours after accepting the cloud services terms. Office 365 ProPlus is available for as long as the student is enrolled at Metropolia or until cessation of employment

What is Office 365 ProPlus?

Office 365 ProPlus is a program that can be installed on a desktop or a laptop computer and it includes Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, OneNote, Publisher, Access, and Lync applications. Office 365 ProPlus is a user based service with which Office can be used on max. five PC or Mac computers or mobile devices.

Microsoft Word Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Excel Microsoft Outlook Microsoft OneNote Microsoft Publisher Microsoft Access Microsoft Lync

Office Mobile for Android smart phones

Free Office Mobile is available for Android smart phones. It can be installed from Play Store. An Android tablet version will be published later.

There was a short outage on IT Services on Tuesday 20, 2015 at 2 pm.

There was a short outage on IT Services on Tuesday 20, 2015 at 2 pm due to the problem of firewall.

There is short break on IT Services on Tuesday Janury 20, 2015 at 12:00 noon at Mannerheimintie 172 due to modification. No IT services are available.

Requeste (http://hd.metropolia.fi) and Moodle (http://moodle.metropolia.fi) will be updated to a new version on Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Requeste and Moodle are not avaible during the update.

-Requeste 4pm-6pm
-Moodle 6pm-7pm

The Requeste client will be updated automatically on workstations. The update is done when the new Requeste client icon appears on Desktop.

Microsoft Cloud Services and Free Office for Students

Our original goal was to get Microsoft cloud services and the free Office version for students in the fall 2014.

Unfortunately, things were not as easy as we thought. We apologize for the delay.


The situation at the moment is this:

-we have the technology and the capability to synchronize student information to the cloud

-an exact schedule cannot be given yet due to the fact that we are waiting for some details from the lawyers concerning the synchronization of information to the cloud

-Metropolia Board of Governors authorizes President to sign a new Microsoft EES campus contract in mid-January


After these matters have been taken care of, we can publish the new service to students.


We will publish a bulletin in Tuubi and in the IT Services website just as soon as downloading Office is possible.


IT Services

There is a short break on IT Services on Friday, December 19, 2014 at 11:30 am at Mannerheimintie 172. Any IT Services are not available under the break.

HR System is under maintenance on Monday December 8, 2014 from 7:00 to 10:00 am.


Helpdesk telephone service is closed Thur. 4.12. from 12 to 16.30

Helpdesk telephone service is closed Thur. 4.12. from 12 to 16.30 due to Helpdesk meeting.

As needed, submit a request of service at
http://hd.metropolia.fi/ or  send e-mail to helpdesk@metropolia.fi.

All IT-services will be under maintenance December 06-07, 2014  at Tukhomankatu 10, Hämeentie 161 and Leiritie 1 as follows.


Tukholmankatu 10

December 06 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm


Hämeentie 161

December 07 from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm


Leiritie 1

December 07 from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm

IT Services orienteering quiz prizes have been drawn

Thank you for entering the IT Services Day orienteering quiz.

The IT Services Days orienteering quiz prizes have been drawn among correct entries.


IT Services' Day 2014 Orienteering quiz

IT Services Days Orienteering quiz has ended.

Order by 28/11/2014 IT-related products for the year 2014

Purchasing must follow the codes of conduct and must come only from our official suppliers.


More information (only in Finnish): Tlinpäätösohje ja aikataulu 2014_uusi.doc

Code of conduct: https://wiki.metropolia.fi/display/tietohallinto/Menettelyohjeet+IT-hankinnat

Official suppliers: https://tuubi.metropolia.fi/portal/group/tuubi/sopimustoimittajat

Due to update of the system version, there will be a break of service on the Metropolia wiki platform (platform for collaborative writing) on Monday November 17, 2014, at 11am-3pm.

We're sorry for the inconvenience.