Due to server maintenance there will be Metropolia IT service outages beginning on March 30 and ending on March 31 before noon.
Security updates will be installed in the same process.

Additionally, Helen Sähköverkko notified us that there will be a power outage in the Bulevardi building beginning on March 30, at 9pm and ending on March 31, at 2am.
Due to the power outage, part of Metropolia IT services will have to be powered down.

The outages will not have an effect on student application services www.metropolia.fi, e-form (e-lomake), and study guide.

IT services that will be affected beginning on March 30, 4pm:

  • Email and videoconferencing services
  • Wireless network
  • Instruction's and projects' web services including users, mysqlproj, vhost, and projects servers
  • Common web services including Tuubi, Peppi, Moodle, and ezproxy

IT services that will go down beginning on March 30, 8pm:

  • Bulevardi workstations
  • Virtual desktops (desktop and securedesktop)
  • Projects' network drives share-courses and media-students (J drive)
  • Popjazz and Conservatory student and financial administration services Primus, Kurre, Wilma, Econet, and IMS
  • Study program services: Flash, Helmi, Innova, Mes, Promeda, Smarteam, Tocoman, Transsrv, Smart Bridgit
  • The following licensed workstation applications: Aplac, Pads, Matlab, Adams, SlimDesigner, Neplan, Delcam, Avix

The may also be outages in individual services on March 31 before noon.

The maintenance work of internet connection will disrupt browsing in web during 22.3.-23.3.

The disorders will last only some minutes at a time.

Helpdesk telephone service is closed 10.3. 11:00-17.30

Helpdesk telephone service is closed 10.3. 11:00-17.30.

As needed, submit a request of service at http://hd.metropolia.fi or  send e-mail to helpdesk@metropolia.fi

Reporting services will be offline on Monday 7th March between 13:00-18:00 pm.

Tube and Peppi links, which are dependent on the reporting services and addresses raportointi.metropolia.fi rapodb.metropolia.fi/reports.


Metropolia Information Systems will be under Maintenance on Tuesday March 1, 2016 from 4:00pm to 12:00am

This causes service outages in several IT services as follows.


Email and Skype for Business

Finance, personnel, building and study administration services

Wireless network

Virtual desktops (desktop and securedesktop)

Web services of teaching and projects, users, mysqlproj, vhost, projects servers

Common web services including Tuubi, Peppi, Moodle, ezproxy


Helpdesk Phone Service from February 22 to February 26, 2016

Helpdesk Phone Service is on call from February 22 to February 26, 2016 as follows

Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 3:30 pm
Friday 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Adobe Connect, provided by Funet Tiimi, doesn´t work properly

Adobe Connect, provided by Funet Tiimi, doesn´t work properly.

You can use old system connect.metropolia.fi, but don´t make recordings or save materials.

Staff can also use Skype for Business -system for online conferencing.


There will be a thirty minutes break at 3 pm February 9th.

More information about Recognition of prior learning (eRPL) system update in Tube:

eRPL Teacher/handler, admin ja checker
eRPL Student

In Tube workspaces

We will  fix the problem in workspaces in "Updated content in this workspace" -list.

Tapio Ekholm and Kaj Kuusisto
Information Management and System Services

Now the Tube problem has been fixed

Tuesday, 02.02.2016 morning took place in Tube unexpected problems.

Now the Tube problem has been fixed.

Helpdesk Phone Service is available from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon on February 1, 2016 due to the meeting.

You can make a service request at http://hd.metropolia.fi or send email to helpdesk@metropolia.fi.

Adobe Connect by Funet Tiimi has still some problems

Adobe Connect by Funet Tiimi has still some problems.

Skype for Business is working normally and you can also use the old Metropolia`s connect.metropolia.fi service.
If you use it, saving materials and videorecording isn´t recommended.

Problems with virtual desktops (desktop.metropolia.fi/securedesktop.metropolia.fi).

Users have reported connection problems with virtual desktops after the 7-8/1/2016 update. This is caused by either a VMware Horizon View Client outdated version or old cookies in the default browser?s cache.

Metropolia workstations will be updated with the latest version in the following days. Users may also choose to download and install it themselves; link and instructions found next.

Fix the problem in the browser by deleting the cookiescache. Follow the link for instructions.

If you do not succeed in fixing the problem in virtual desktops with the given instructions, make a service request to Helpdesk via hd.metropolia.fi or email to helpdesk@metropolia.fi

Phishing email warning!

Phishing is a common experience for email users these days. Metropolia email users often receive requests for their network/email passwords, user IDs, and other private data. Some of these emails can be very convincing and appear to be from Metropolia ITS Staff.

However, you should know that ITS will never, ever request your password! Emails requesting your password or other personal data should simply be DELETED upon receipt.

Below is the newest message of phishing email received here at Metropolia and should be deleted upon receipt.

Hei taas,

Liitteenä maksu neuvontaa annetaan pyynnöstä asiakkaamme.Neuvo on vain viitteellinen.


Riitta Manninen


Keskuskatu 14

86710 Kärsämäki 




You have a pending incoming docs shared with you via Google docs

Click to open:eDocument
Google Docs makes it easy to create, store and share online documents, spreadsheets and presentations.


Riitta Manninen


Keskuskatu 14

86710 Kärsämäki 



If you sent your information in response to the message, change your password immediately at https://amme.metropolia.fi

Due to software update, there's a break of service on E-lomake on December 30th, 2015 at 1400-1500.

We're sorry for the inconvenience. 

Metropolia IT Services

There are short breaks on wireless network from 28 to 30 December, 2015 due to maintenance work.