Fixes to functions:

All Desktops

Calendar and Resources planning and reservations

  • The reservation double-booking
  • Reservation listing and mass management

Contact Search (People)

  • Supervisor and Unit information

Planner and Teacher Desktops

  • Implementations, Implementation resources, Admin (pluralistic field)
  • Units, Unit Listing, the Quick Search field in the selection list

Contract Bank

  • Make the contract by eAHOT



WinhaWille will disappear after October 24, 2016. This means that the current study registry will be gone after 24 October. OMA will be the new study registry and the new registry services will open in the beginning of November.

OMA can be tested in: 

Check your records!

We need you effort! You can check how your records transfer from Winha to OMA has succeeded. Go to and compare your transcript of records between OMA and WinhaWille. If you find any errors or defects in your records/credits please let us know about it by sending that information by filling the form found from the home page of Student dashboard!

Notice that OMA student records are taken from Winha 24.8.2016. This means that records that you have had later than that date are not in OMA and it is not an error. Note also that credits from exchange studies are not yet in the registry. These are known issues and it is not necessary to report problems related to these.

Do this!

 1 Go to address:

 2 You are now in OMA’s common dashboard. Click from the top left corner and change to Student dashboard .

 3 If you have multiple or historical study-entitlements, choose the right entitlement by placing mouse cursor on top-right corner over your name and choose the right entitlement.

Screen Shot 2016-10-04 at 13.12.02.png

4 Go to the Credits icon Screen Shot 2016-10-04 at 12.43.13.png. There you will see both OMA records and WinhaWille records. Compare the records. If you see any errors or defects let us know about it by filling the feedback form from the Student dashboard home pageScreen Shot 2016-10-04 at 12.43.53.png

In the form please let us know the following information:

    1. Student number

    2. Course codes of the lacking records or where the errors are

    3. Attach the transcript of records from Winha and from OMA.

More information

  • Tuubi will be in use and you can use the workspaces until February 2017.

  • WinhaWille will be the place where you can apply for courses until the end of October 2016.

Highlights of Septmber's news about new online tools, e-learning, social media and mobile services. The news are in Finnish but links to English language reference material are (often) provided. 

Apple Mac OSX users have not been able to copy files to the Z network drive, i.e. the home drive. The driver system provider has not been able to fix the problem but Mac support has developed an alternative solution to the problem.

In the following few days all Metropolia maintained Mac computers will be installed with CopyHelper tool with which files can be copied from a Mac computer to the Z network drive.

Only necessary repairs will be done on Tuubi. The services of among others Tuubi  will gradually be replaced by OMA. Try it!


IT Services

September 2016 issue of the Information Management in Metropolia e-zine is out:

News are mainly in Finnish but English highlights are provided.

Computer sale

Location and time:
Leppävaara: 5.10.2016, 14.00 - 18.00
Albert: 12.10.2016, 14.00 - 18.00

Metropolia is selling used computers and peripherals. Price is determined by brand, model and level of operability.

Further information:

Apple has published new iOS 10 operating system for iPhone and iPad devices.

Users have reported that the device freezes after the update and becomes unusable.

The update should not be installed on any iOS device that is in any important use until a fix has been published.

Helpdesk phone service is exceptionally available from 8:00 am to noon on Thursday September 15, 2016.

Only necessary repairs will be done on Tuubi. The services of among others Tuubi  will gradually be replaced by OMA. Try it!

IT Services

A malfunction in eRLP (eAHOT) system has been repaired.

IT Services

There is a short break, about 5 minutes on network drives on Friday September 2, 2016 from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm due to maintenance work.


Break of service on September 9

Peppi will face a version update and it will be incorporated into OMA on September 9th. From this point on, Peppi services will be available at

Due to the operations, there will be a break of service on Peppi and OMA on September 9th at 1200-1600.

Real-time technical support available on September 12

Real-time technical support about Peppi and OMA will be available on Skype for Business on Monday September 12th at 0900-1600. You're welcome to enter the Skype room at  

If you find errors in the systems please contact Metropolia Helpdesk (

We're sorry for the inconvenience.

Project Managers

Jaakko Rannila
Mika Lavikainen
Tapio Ekholm

Latest news on new online tools, e-learning, social media and mobile services. The news are in Finnish but links to (often) English language reference material are provided.

The Metropolia network storage system will be renewed and the systems will be upgraded over the weekend August 26 - August 28, 2016. The work begins on Friday 4pm and continues until Sunday.

Due to the network storage system renewal, network drives and Tuubi will be unavailable as follows:

  • Home drives (Z drive, Linux home drive) will be shut down on Friday at 4pm. The drives will be available again in phases during Saturday and Sunday.
  • Tuubi will be shut down on Saturday at 8am and will be available again on Saturday evening.
  • The staff U drive will be shut down on Friday at 4pm and will be available again sometime during the weekend.

There will be short service outages in the wireless network on Sunday.

There will be short service outages in the email service and Skype on Sunday.

There will be short outages in other services on Saturday and Sunday:

  • Instruction and project web services including users, mysqlproj, vhost, and projects
  • Common web services including Peppi, Moodle, and ezproxy