OMA short maintenance break 14th July from 2pm (Duration about 5 min.)

IT Services

OMA short maintenance breaks 13th July from 2pm - 2:30pm

 IT Services


OMA maintenance break 4th July from 9:00 to 10:00 am

IT Services

Due to system update E-lomake is totally out of usage between 9am to 5pm at 15. March 2017.

Forms located in are not in use in that time. There will be Out of service notification to E-lomake users.

If the notification is still on after 5pm 15. August the page should be refreshed by pressing CTRL+F5 in order to open E-lomake forms.


Outages in Metropolia IT Services on Tuesday June 20, 2017

Metropolia IT services will be under maintenance on Tuesday June 20, 2017 which will cause disturbances in service availability both on Metropolia campus and remotely.

Maintenance will cause outages especially in finance and personnel services, email, videoconferencing, network drives, Office 365 cloud services.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the outages.

Metropolia IT services will be under maintenance on the weekend May 10-11, 2017 which will cause disturbances in service availability both on Metropolia campus and remotely. During the weekend there will be local service outages in IT communications on all campuses. Metropolia IT services and internet services will not be available during the outages.

OMA services and the single sign-on system will be under maintenance on Sunday, June 16 beginning at 8am. OMA services will be unavailable until noon and there will be disturbances in service sign-on in the afternoon until 4pm.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the outages.

The service will be updated on June 13 through June 23, 2017 during which time it is not possible to place virtual machine orders in the service.
Virtual machines ordered prior to the maintenance can be used but they cannot be administered in the educloud user interface during the update.

VMware Horizon Remote Desktop System, /, is under maintenance from Juni 12 to Juni 16, 2017.

The System doesn´t work from 12 Juni to 13 Juni at all.

The most important desktops will be working on afternoon Juni 13 and all desktops on afternoon Juni 16.




Data communication connections are working normally again

Data communication connections are working normally again.

OMA is being updated at 3 pm. There will be some short (5 min) breaks in OMA.

IT Services

New Windows 10 remote desktops will be in use in the fall of 2017. The update of remote desktops enhances their functionality and information security. The remote desktops’ maintenance process will also be improved to bring more flexibility to the fulfilling of change requests.

Users must let the superusers know about their wishes concerning the remote desktop contents. The superusers are responsible for giving Helpdesk a list of programs including possible special installation instructions and settings.

After approving of the change requests the superusers sends them to Helpdesk by making a service request at

All remote desktops must have a superuser. If a remote desktop does not have a superuser, the staff members using the remote desktop must appoint one amongst themselves and they must let Helpdesk know the name. A given remote desktop will be removed from the selection if a superuser cannot be found for it.

The usage of some remote desktops has been marginal. Helpdesk together with the superusers will decide on their future. Current remote desktops and their usage statistics can be found here.

If you use a remote desktop in instruction, and if you have wishes concerning its contents please be in contact with the respective superuser.

If you have questions or comments, please be in contact with us.

We expect superusers to send us lists of programs and further details by May 21, 2017 so that we can get to work with new remote desktops.

Thank you for your cooperation,

Extra time for old workspaces (expiration date December 31, 2009, or earlier) in OMA? "Preserve" button will be released on April 26.