How to use the Microsoft Excel Online version?
Kirjallisuutta - Literature
- Excel Online (EN, official)
- Differences between using a workbook in the browser and in Excel (EN, official)
- Office Online in Wikipedia (EN, 2023)
- Tutorial for beginners (EN, 2023)
- Office 365 - Office Online (EN)
- Excel Tutorial (EN)
- Johdanto Excel Onlinen käyttöön (FI, virallinen)
- Office-tuki (EN, FI, official). Tukea saa myös Metropolian tietohallinnon käyttäjätuesta. Support is also available from Metropolia IT Services Helpdesk.
Videoita - Videos
- Microsoft 365 video channel on Youtube (EN, official)
- Microsot Education video channel on Youtube (EN, official)
- Excel video training (EN, official)
- 30 Awesome Excel Tips and Tricks for 2023 (EN, 2023)
- Excel Tutorial Beginner to Advanced - 12-Hour Excel Course (EN, 2023)
- Excel for Beginners (EN, 2022)
- Created by Petri Silmälä on 18.4.2023