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Users can create and publish their own web pages in the public_html folder of their home directory. Pages can be viewed at In addition to html-pages the server supports also php- and cgi-programs (file extensions .php and .cgi).

The PHP version used is of the 57.6 0 -series and the following extensions are supported:


Cgi-programs are run with the suEXEC-feature with the user's user account's permissions.

Users-server's php-module file_uploads-option is Off. You can use php as cgi when you upload files to server so that your account is owner of the files. You can use php as cgi as follows:

- php -files must end <filename>.php

- filerights must be 755 (= rwxr-xr-x)

- you must create and edit .htaccess-file with text: "AddHandler cgi-script .php" and set .htaccess -file to right directory.

.htaccess -file is valid in the directory where the .htaccess-file was created and all it's subdirectories.

With Wordpress it is enough if you set .htaccess -file in the wp-admin -direcotory. After this you can download themes and plugins so that you are the owner of the files.


All Metropolia users can use the MySQL-database located at The name of the database and the username to access the database server are same as your username at Metropolia. The password, however, is different and it can be set at
