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Phishing or the fraudulent attempt to get a person's private information is criminal activity done in IT environment. A phishing e-mail pretends to be coming from a legitimate party and requests information that should be kept private.


Most phishing messages that Metropolia users receive pretend to be from Metropolia IT Services. Users are asked to give their password because of a change in some system.


Metropolia IT Services (System Maintenance, Data Management and Systems Services, Helpdesk, Webmaster, etc.)  never asks users for their passwords or other such information.


Remove immediately e-mail messages that ask for confidential information.


Here is an example of a password inquiry that you should remove immediately:



Account Update


A DGTFX Virus has been detected in your mail folders. Your email account has to be upgraded to our new Secured DGTFX anti-virus 2011 version to prevent damages to our web mail log and your important files. Click your reply tab,Fill the columns below and send back to us or your email account will be terminated to avoid spread of the virus..




Date of birth:



After receiving the information requested you will be able to continue using your mail without hitches. Please do bear in mind that we reserve the right to close this account if this request isn't granted on time.


Thank you for your usual co-operation. We apologize for the inconvenience.




Member Service Team.



Tietojenkalastelu eli Verkkourkinta (phishing)