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By the decision of Metropolia's executive board, all computer programs, mobile applications, and IT systems procurement is centralized in the IT Services to enable Metropolia to comply with the above-mentioned, statutory risk management process. Read the instructions below on how a new digital tool can be taken into use at Metropolia.

Additional information


Data Protection Officer Tuulia Aarnio, Legal and Archiving Services

  • DPIA-process
  • DPIA-form
  • Data protection legislation


Telephone services: 09 7424 6777
Service requests: or

Frequently asked Questions

Question: I want to install a mobile app for personal use on my work phone. Do I need to fill out the procurement form and is it allowed to install the mobile app on my work phone?

Answer: The installation of mobile applications on work phones is allowed for personal use and when used for personal use, you do not need to fill out the procurement form. In situations where the mobile application are used in Metropolia's operations, such as in projects the procurement form must be filled.

Question: I need Microsoft Office for my laptop. Do I have to fill out a procurement form?

Answer: No need. Microsoft Office is pre-installed on all computers maintained by Metropolia.

Question: I need a program that isn't among the official tools. Do I have to fill out a procurement form?

Answer: If the program is not already in use at Metropolia, you must complete the procurement form.

Question: The program is free, but it has not been used in Metropolia before. Do I have to fill out a procurement form?

Answer: Yes you have to. The price of the program does not matter.

Question: Information Management Services has already implemented the program in Metropolia, but I want the program to be used for teaching in a specific computer class.

Answer: You do not need to fill out a procurement form. Please contact HelpDesk if you need help with the installing.

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