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Does your RDI-project produce sensitive research material? Does it need to be handled during the project by someone else? Maybe an employee of Metropolia or by project partners?

Metropolia has its own server, which is intended especially for storing and processing sensitive data from RDI-projects. Access rights can be granted to the material on the server for project employees both inside and outside Metropolia.

(Unfortunately some links and forms are only in Finnish)Do this

Follow the instructions as followed

  1. Identify sensitive research data. Does your research material contain personal information or other confidential information, such as trade secrets? Does the material contain the following information: race or ethnic origin, political opinion, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic or biometric information, health information, sexual behavior or orientation? Remember the minimisation of data: Only data that are necessary for the study may be processed.
  2. Determine who should have access to a) non-sensitive material and b) sensitive material in your project. Again on a minimisation basis: Access to sensitive material only to those who need it for the project.
  3. Apply for storage space for your project using the e-form here Two main folders will be created for the project, one for non-sensitive material and the other for sensitive material. You can use the same form to apply for access to certain people's folders for non-sensitive and / or sensitive material.
  4. Once you have received storage and access approval, get external user information for non-Metropolia user through the Helpdesk. Instructions for an external username can be found here
  5. When the external user accounts are ready, apply for access rights to the project materials by making a service request to the Helpdesk at Note! For all users, including Metropolia users. Mention in the application:
    a. user name
    b. organization
    c. email address
    d. the folder or folders to which you want access
    e. period of validity
  6. All sensitive material must be encrypted and password protected. See instructions for encrypting files with 7-zip here:
  7. Users outside the Metropolia can only access the data stored on the server via a remote VPN connection. Tell them how to set up a VPN connection. Instructions can be found here:
  8. Send users links to the folders they need (non-sensitive and sensitive)
  9. Send the password for password protected files with a different way than you send the links for the files. For example if you send the link for the files with email, send the password with phone text message. This way the both protection keys are in different locations.

More information

Susanna Näreaho, a specialist in RDI services ( and Joona Koiranen, an IT specialist in library and information services (on study leave in 2021) (, can provide more information.

In case of problems

First restart your computer and the device with the problem. If the restarting didn't help, please contact the HelpDesk.