Activation and Password Change Using Mobile Certificate and Netbank User ID
You will need a netbank user ID or a mobile certificate for authentication.
If you want to activate a new user ID or you have forgotten your password, you can use your personal netbanking user ID or mobile certificate. Authenticate to Metropolia user ID activation and password reset service using service.
You can activate your user account at the latest when your right to study or employment begins.
Read first the instructions carefully and then move on by clicking on the link at the end of the instructions.
1. At the end of these instructions you will find a link Activate your user ID or change your password now.
2. As the authentication method, select either bank identification, mobile certificate, or certificate card (e.g. eletronic ID card).
3. Follow the onscreen instructions.
4. Click on Continue to the service.
5. In the Tietojen lähetys (Send information) section, click on Tallenna (Save):
6. Click on Tunnistautuminen onnistui - jatka button (Authentication succeeded - continue):
7. Your user ID is shown in upper right corner next to your name. Read and accept Metropolia policy, regulations and terms and conditions.
8. Type password in the New password field. The password must contain at least 8 characters. Confirm the password by typing it again in the Confirm new password field.
9. Click on the Change password button.
10. Your password is now changed. The activation page shows your username with which you can login to Metropolia systems.
Click to Activate your user ID or change your password now at
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- Created by Unknown User (kalsa), last modified by Unknown User (kimmosv) on 30.12.2022