Sakari Lukkarinen, Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences


This article guides you how to create a wiki-article using Word. Below you can find the instructions:

  1. Make a copy of Template for the wiki article.
  2. Change the document name as the title your article.
  3. Write your article. Use default formatting styles (Normal, Heading 1, Heading 2).
  4. Save it.
  5. Login into Metropolia wiki (
  6. Select Tools -> Import Word Document.
  7. Select Choose File, and find your document from your computer. Select Next.
  8. Below you can find typical Import Configuration settings. Check that in Root page title texbox is the full title your article. If you are editing your article, select: Where to Import: Replace …
  9. Finally select Import.

Figure 1. Typical settings for Import Word Document Configuration page.

Now you should see your wiki page. Next we check that it is in right location in wiki-tree.

  1. Select from menu Tools -> Move.
  2. In the New space field write Älykäs teknologia
  3. In the New parent page field write: Health technology in advanced acute nursing.
  4. Select Move (at the bottom right corner of the window).

Figure 2. Moving the article in to the right place in wiki using Tools -> Move.

Voila! Now your article is imported to Wiki and it should be in right location!

How to add figures to article

Below ia an example photograph that has been imported to Word. In Word select Import -> Pictures and import your photograph or graphical illustration inside the text. Check that Layout Options - settings has "In Line with Text". Then the figures are not mixed with the text, but are kept on separate rows.

Scale the figure to reasonable size by dragging from the corners. Remember add the figure caption below it and number the figures.

  Figure 3. Blood pressure meter opened.


Nulla gravida semper lacus, a lacinia turpis iaculis ut. Suspendisse ac neque a ante suscipit finibus ac ut lacus. Maecenas eu dolor id nunc placerat ornare. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc rhoncus dui non risus scelerisque porta. Phasellus sit amet erat auctor, auctor orci sit amet, dapibus lorem. Sed lobortis vehicula augue, sed lobortis tellus imperdiet at. Cras est nibh, lobortis in aliquam eget, cursus vitae urna. Donec rutrum mauris justo, ac feugiat nisi malesuada a. Maecenas mollis urna et ligula placerat, eu finibus neque ornare. Vivamus faucibus leo non justo sodales luctus. Fusce bibendum turpis ac libero pretium, consequat tempor leo hendrerit (Lipsumcom, 2017).
It is good practice to format the literature references for example using the following tool: Finally I want to refer Tolkien (1954): "It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to."


Lipsumcom. (2017). Lipsumcom. Retrieved 8 February, 2017, from
Tolkien, J.R.R. (1954). Lord of the Rings. [Online]. (2nd Ed.). Retrieved 8 February, 2017, from:

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