
Infrared saunas started to show up a decade ago. Historically heat treatments have been around thousands of years and these hot air baths and "sweat lodges" were used for relaxation and detoxification among Native Americans, Eastern Europeans and also as a part of Ancient Chinese Medicine.
However new technologies have been invented to create the same heat but by using infrared waves instead of coal, wood and fire.

Working principles

An infrared sauna is a type of sauna that uses light to create heat. A traditional sauna uses heat to warm the air, which in turn warms your body. An infrared sauna heats your body directly without warming the air around you. An infrared sauna produces these results at lower temperatures than does a regular sauna, which makes it accessible to people who can't tolerate the heat of a conventional sauna. This is good and suitable for people suffering from heart deceases and breathing problems.

Usability and safety

Several studies have looked at using infrared saunas in the treatment of chronic health problems, such as high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, dementia and Alzheimer's disease, headache, type 2 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis,. However, larger and more-rigorous studies are needed to confirm these results. Some of these studies were also performed with patients using traditional sauna.


The biggest risks are (as in any sauna) over-heating and dehydration. However t raditional dry heat saunas carry the additional risk of the user getting a burn by accidentally touching the heater or hot rocks. In a safely designed infrared sauna, the heaters are covered and sudden contact burns cannot occur.
Future views and prospect
It some connection (and as a part of product development) some manufactures provides Android tablet control panels. So that the users can control the setting ranging from near infrared light which aids in pain and muscle relief, to mid infrared light which assists in fat burning and weight loss, to far infrared light that deepens the core sweat and is  whole-body detoxifying.


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