-Retina projects-

1.Definition of this project
I wrote about my project below;

detecting “diabetic or some other diseases” system with Machine vision.
This system can detects different abnormal lesions related to diabetic retinopathy.
And I will find this algorithm. And I will make this program.

2.About Machine vision which I searched.
I tried to search about Machine vision below;

Machine vision can detect many kinds of things in pictures.
So Machine vision can also detect size and color.
Using this thing, We probably can detect ”diseases”.
And I also search about Machine vision’s merit below;
> It is usually very fast.
> And there is no mistake.(But it’s need perfect algorithm.)
> It can work every day every time.
So, I think Machine vision is the best way, if this system needs “fast”, ”every time work”, ”a lot of data to analyze”, “accurate”.


3.Question of this project
I want to clean these things before start project.

Is this system full-automatically system? or aided system for doctor?
Fundu-scopy is large scare checkup? Can we do it easily without doctor?
What is the difference between doctor and Machine vision?
Which is more accurate?
How many people do Fundu-scopy? Quite often?
Does Fundu-scopy need fast speed as a Machine vision?
What is the merit of this system?

Prepare for 1st meeting

Tokyo National College of Technology
Kai Murata

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