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Year planning


Year planning page is used to save course units, teachers' tasks (workplans), students' work (group course units) and the information on the course unit plan.

Year planning tabs

Organization unit tab shows a course-based list of all the instruction in the degree programmes and groups linked to the organization unit.

Use the top-left corner's Search field.

  1. Select semesters option allows you to limit the time period.
  2. You can use Filters in searching, for example, based on degree programme, education type, curriculum, course selection, group, teacher, tag or cost center.
  3. When you are ready with the search criteria, use the blue button to Load organization unit instruction.

The list (example above) shows the course unit information in the selected semesters. You can already plan the course unit timing in this view.


Curricula tab shows the curriculum and the instruction related to the timing plan and allows adding resources to them.

  1. Use the top-left corner to select the degree.
  2. Select Curricula tab.
  3. Select the correct semesters and curriculum.
  4. Select the timing plan, if it is available.
  5. Use the blue button to Load curriculum instruction.



Groups tab shows the instruction related to groups.

  1. Use the top-left corner to select the degree.
  2. Select Groups tab.
  3. Use the blue button to Load group instruction.


Huom: Kuva puuttuu.


Projects tab allows viewing and entering tasks related to projects.

Clicking on the project number opens a project. The project can be copied with pre-filled in project information that can be updated.

Clicking on the project ID removes a project.

  1. Use the top-left corner to select the degree.
  2. Select Projects tab.
  3. Use the blue button to Load projects.

You can also create a new project with the button Add project. This same view also appears when you edit the project after saving it first. Saving allows managing the tasks in the lower part. Use the button ? add new task.The row information is edited in a table. If you assign tasks to many persons, use the button....... 
Ensin tulee tallentaa projektit, ennenkuin alaosan tehtäviä voi hallita. Uusi tehtävä-rivi lisätään Lisää tehtäviä-painikkeella. Rivin tiedot muokataan taulukossa.
Jos tehtävä määrätään monelle henkilölle, se määritellään Lisää monelle henkilölle-painikkeen kautta.


Other work tab allows viewing and entering other work.

Clicking on the title opens an entry for other work. The entry can be copied with pre-filled in work information that can be updated.

Clicking on the title removes other work.

  1. Use the top-left corner to select the degree.
  2. Select Other work tab.
  3. Use the blue button to Load other work.

Add other work button opens a similar form as the same button under Projects for adding further work.



Also observe that the option Course units under Year planning allows viewing and mass editing the selected course units. 

Course units page gives more information on course unit management.

Functions related to teachers' workplans

tuo kuva ja tarkista sanat, kun Peppiin pääsee

The tabs have different functions.


Tehtävät ovat opiskelijoihin ja henkilökunnan tehtäviä tai vain henkilökunnan tehtäviä. Organisaatioyksikkön liittyy yksikkö-näkymässä koulutuksia, kustannuspaikkoja, vapaita opintokokonaisuuksia, projekteja, muita töita ja henkilöitä. Vuosisuunnittelun näkymässä suunnitellaan ja ylläpidetään opiskelijoiden ja henkilökunnan tehtäviä.

Budget Excel

This page loads and, depending on the browser, opens the organization unit's "instruction/degree programmes" in an Excel file for further reporting. Tiedoissa shows the costs of tasks allocated to different cost centers of the organization unit. 


Teacher hours

This page  shows the hours of the organization unit's teachers in a separate browser window. The search can be limited based on a organization unit, academic year and time period. The information is displayed by periods.


tuo kuva


Open budget information ???

This page shows the total sums of the organization unit instruction in a specified time periods and by cost centers.

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