When a student has graduated, an automated mail is sent informing him/her, that the user account will expire.

After the notification, the student will have two weeks’ time to transfer and save all of his/her personal data from Metropolia’s systems.

Email and any forwarding rules are disabled at the moment when the account expires. Students should take this into account for example when applying for jobs. It is better to use then another email address (Gmail, Hotmail, etc.). When a user account is expired the account's email can no longer be accessed.

Backup your email

Files from the student’s personal net drive and OMA’s workspace should be transferred into an external storage media.

In cases, where the student cannot transfer the files within those two weeks, a request can be made into hd.metropolia.fi or by sending an email to helpdesk (at) metropolia.fi, and get two weeks extra time.

Information for the graduation system

Information for the graduation (OMA)
