Versions Compared


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  1. Synkroniset moottorit
  2. Induktiomoottorit
  3. Tasavirtamoottorit
  4. Harjattomat tasavirtamoottorit
  5. Askelmoottorit
  6. Reluktanssimoottorit ja moottorit, joiden roottorin magneettiset ominaisuudet eivät ole ympyräsymmetrisiä

Luokissa 1, 2, 4 ja 5 tehdään tyypillisesti moottorin paikallaan pysyvään runkoon eli staattoriin pyörivä magneettikenttä, jota eri tavoin magnetoitu akselia pyörittävä osa eli roottori seuraa. Luokassa 3 staattori on vakiomagnetoitu ja roottorin magnetointia muutetaan sen pyöriessä siten, että sen magneettikenttä on aina kohtisuorassa staattorin magneettikenttään nähden.


Katso: How Stepper Motor Works - 2


Synchronous 3-phase reluctance and salient pole motors

The field winding in a round rotor (left) and salient rotor (right) are compared in the Figure below according to Nasar /9/.

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Figure:  The field winding in a round rotor (left) and salient rotor (right).


The torque of a reluctance motor is calculated with the cross field principle:

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Here we have:

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With some trigonometry the torque becomes:

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The torque is represented in the Figure below as the function of the pole angle δ. The diameter of the circle is D = |imd-imq| which is considered here to be a constant. The torque is ½ΨD·sin2δ.

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Figure: The diameter of the circle is D = |imd-imq| which is considered here to be a constant. The torque is proportional to ½D·sin2δ.


If we have a salient pole motor, it generates the sum moment which is the sum of the electromagnetic and reluctance moment, as shown in the Figure below.

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The analysis is done now be noticing that the magnetising current is (if rotor current iR = 0, we have the reluctance motor):

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The generation of the torque is show in the Figure below.

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    The diameter of the circle is D = |imd-imq| which is considered here to be a constant.
    The reluctance torque is proportional to ½D·sin2δ,
    and the electromagnetic torque is, as usual, proportional to iR·sinδ.
    The total torque is proportional to the T* shown in the figure.