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titleThis instruction is intended for students
The information in this page applies only to Metropolia students, not employees

It is recommended that all Metropolia students complete the basic level


information security course designed for students. After completing the


course, you will know how to use the university’s information services



Read the following eight points before taking the course to ensure you know how to proceed correctly:

  1. You can complete the course in Moodle. You can do the course according to your own schedule until the deadline. Here is the link to the Student's basic level information security training course.
  2. Log in to Moodle with your Metropolia user ID. Completing the course without logging in is prevented from guest users.
  3. You do not need a course key to join the course.
  4. Complete the four modules of the course along with their tests. The course materials open in a new tab as PowerPoint presentations, which are visible to those with a Metropolia user ID. Log in to your Metropolia Microsoft account if necessary to view the presentation materials.
  5. You will receive a notification of the approved completion of the course by email. Activate the notification settings before starting the course. Here are instructions for activating Moodle’s notification settings.
  6. If you did not receive a notification of your passing, you can see your course completion in the Moodle Grades tab. When there are four green checkmarks visible on the tab, you have passed the four tests of the course. The tab also indicates if you have failed any test with a red mark. When you have passed all the tests, the marks will appear green. Instructions for opening Moodle’s grading view.
  7. You can track your course progress with Moodle’s Progress


  1. Complition tracking feature. Four green bars indicate that you have successfully completed the course. If all the bars are not visible, your course completion is then incomplete. Instructions for enabling Moodle’s Completion Progress


  1. tracking tool.
  2. In case of unclear situations, contact the Helpdesk using the contact details below.

If you have challenges completing the course or cannot access the course, contact the Helpdesk using the contact details below


What should be done if the information security course is not completed within the designated timeframe and my user credentials are no longer functional?

These instructions are specifically intended for full-time employees who were unable to complete the course within the specified timeframe (January 1st to December 31st, 2023). This guideline excludes part-time teachers, students, interns, employees who commenced their roles in 2024 at Metropolia, and those who have not received a termination message for their user accounts. The credentials of the aforementioned individuals will continue to function as usual.

If your credentials are inactive due to non-completion of the information security training course, please follow these instructions. In case of any uncertainties, please contact User Support (Helpdesk) as your primary point of contact. Below are instructions for completing the course.



When should the course be completed?

titleThe Bacic Level Information Security Training for the Personnel

All employees must finish the university’s basic information security training. Following the completion, you know how to interact safely with the IT services of the university.

The completion of the course is recommended for all new employees. You can find the course in the orientation package provided by Human Resource Services. The orientation materials in Moodle are only in Finnish currently.

In 2023, the course was mandatory for full-time employees at Metropolia. However, it was not obligatory for part-time staff at Metropolia, such as adjunct teachers and interns.

Metropolia aims to ensure that every member of the staff possesses basic-level information security skills. At the basic level, this entails understanding:

  • Password security
  • Secure handling of information
  • Protection against malware and phishing messages.


A student's basic level information security training

All students of Metropolia University are encouraged to complete the university’s basic level information security training at the beginning of their studies and renew it periodically thereafter.

Who completes the course?

The course is mandatory for the new employees in which case the course should be complete during the orientation period of the new work at Metropolia. 

In 2023 the finishing the course was obligatory for Metropolia’s full-time permanent personnel, excluding, for example, part-time teachers and interns. 

aimed at students. The IT Services will separately inform about the mandatory completion of the course.

Metropolia’s goal is that every member of the university has basic Metropolia aims to ensure that every staff member has basic- level information security skills.

At the basic level, individuals should understand:

Basic level means that the person understands:

  • Basic knowledge of information security and data protection
  • Best practices for information security
  • Proper data handling and management
  • Basic knowledge of a cybersecurity environment and cyber threats.
  • The meaning of cybersecurity, information security, and privacy protection, particularly in relation to GDPR compliance
  • the best practises in information security and cybersecurity to protect themselves from a cyberspace's threats. 
  • Secure handling of information and data management
  • The threats of a cyber-world at a basic level.  

How to activate Moodle’s notification settings?

The notification of Moodle is managed Notifications are activated from the software’s Moodle settings. When If you have enabled notificationsthem, then you should get announcement from Moodle.receive a notification about the course completio

1) Go to the preference menu Moodle settings (Picture Figure 1).

Picture 1

2) Select “Notifications Preference” (Picture 2).

Picture 2

3) Activate "Assignment Notifications" in the assignment section by toggling the three green buttons (refer to From the Assignment section, activate the three buttons for "Assignment notifications" to green (Picture 3). Confirm that your notifications are not set to disabled by default. Subsequently, you should receive a notification from Moodle upon successful completion of the courseYou will then receive notifications about your Moodle course completion in your Metropolia email.

Picture 3

Can I follow my course progress? How I take a screenshot from my course performance?

Follow your course complition progress on Moodle

You can follow your course completion progress using the Block drawer featureIt is possible to active “Bloc Drawer” as the functionality of Moodle to follow own course completion.

1) Open the “Block Drawer” function Block drawer feature (Picture 4).

Picture 4

2) Follow your course performance by touching or mousing the green bar From the Completion Progress feature, you can monitor your course completion. When you see four green bars, you have passed the course (Picture 5).

Picture 5

3) Take a screenshot from your course completion when required. 


Moodle’s Grades tab and exam results

The most conveniently, you can proof your course approval by taking the screenshot of your grades.  Below is the guideline for doing it: 

1) Select the Grades tab of your front-page (Picture 6).

Picture 6

2) Take a screenshot from the opening view. Ensure the name of the Grade item is identifiable from the picture. Four Green marks indicate at Grade's column (Picture 7), whether you have successfully completed the course Four green checkmarks in the ‘Grade’ column indicate that you have successfully passed the course (Picture 7)

Picture 7

3) Forward your screenshot to User Support (Helpdesk). 



you encounter a



If your user account is locked because you have not completed the course, you can contact Metropolia Helpdesk to have it unlocked. After unlocking, you will have two weeks to complete the course before your account is locked againIn case of unclear situations, please contact user support (also known as HelpDesk). We kindly ask that you do not contact the teachers mentioned in the course personally if you have problems completing the course or questions. User support will direct your question or problem to the course teacher if necessary, if user support cannot help you. Metropolia has over 16,000 students, so direct contact from students prevents employees from doing other work. This helps Metropolia manage communication more efficiently and ensures that all questions and problems are handled appropriately. In other unclear situations, try the methods listed below to resolve the issue before contacting user support.

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